I have some PVC pipe...what can I do with it?

Mr Mcgoo

Well-Known Member
So I bought some PVC Pipe thinking the outside diameter was 10cm. I measured it and...well, see for yourself:


Inside diameter. DOH!

So now I have this pipe, and its length is 100cm. Here is a full shot in all it's glory (or not):

Pipe Full shot.JPG

I would really like people to make suggestions of props that could be built using this as a base for the product, whilst keeping it cheap.;)

Thoughts? Ideas? Any input is greatly appreciated.
A TMNT Ooze canister.



  • Teenage-Mutant-Ninja-Turtles-2-TGRI-Ooze-Canister-ACTIVE-2.jpg
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I've had a look at that since you posted that photo Contec. It is a good idea, good use of materials. The only thing is in terms of accuracy, the PVC pipe on hand is about 4cm (just over 1.5 inches) wider in diameter.

Having said that, I could always do a concept-style version and my own take on it.
I also had thought of a firing device of sorts, but being some who likes double letters in words I was thinking of a bazooka.
Source four large styrofoam balls, a few rolls of tin-foil and some various bits of shop scrap and you can build your very own MST3K Satellite of Love.
Not a prop, but pvc pipe makes great storage for rolled up movie posters, blueprints art materials, flexible plastics. Just buy a cap or two at the plumbing supply, glue one on and leave the other unglued for a cap to keep the schmutz out. If the reason the pipe wouldn't work for your original idea was because the diameter is wrong, keep in mind, when you buy pipe, the referenced size is usually the I.D. or "inside Diameter".:)
Remember playing the game Halo, the first one. I'm not sure, but I think they had designed some renderings of "walkway/staff/torch lights. I could be wrong, as I don't remember and, cant seem to do any real quick research well enough myself, but if someone knows what I'm saying and can provide a pic, then very cool.
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