Air Brush & Air Compressor setup?


Active Member
Ok I figure I ask here about some help on getting a setup to learn what I need for the right equipment,I did ask in another post that was not started by me but figure I start my own post on it so I hope it ok to start my own post on this subject.

Ok I am a total newbie when it comes to air brushing so please bare with me on this,first off what I will be most likely will be air brushing is mainly star ships such as Star Trek,Star Wars and Battlestar Galactica ships and some other Star Ships as I get further in to air brushing.

So I am looking at different setup for a complete air brushing kits like the air compressor and air brush,cleaning supplies and some paints for the air brush,one of the things I am not 100% sure of is the air compressor that has a tank or getting a tankless model..

I would think the one that has the tank would be better choice to have as it stores air and meaning that the compressor would not be constantly running as it stores air and only runs when the tank gets low on air,so it would be less ware and tare on the motor,with a tankless model the motor would be running constantly meaning more ware and tare on the motor..

So Please correct me if I am wrong on this..

I been looking at this kit here and wanted to get everyone opinion on this kit and if it is a good kit for a newbie like me to get started with..I figure this kit would be good as it has many accessories that I would most likely would have to buy separately later on down the road so figure it be good to get everything in a whole package deal..

Iwata HP-CS Eclipse Airbrush System Kit Compressor Createx Paint Set Accessories

Oh I forgot to mention I live in the US so everything I would need to buy would have to be in the US.

Thank You for all your help on this..
Ok just a update to this I ended up buying this kit and hope it will do me good for many uses..

.3mm Airbrush 12 Color Createx .TC20T Tank Comp.All Accessory

I do have more question for anyone that can help me with and that is on what other supplies do I need to get for model building..

I figure some of these would be good to have so let me know if I do or don't need any of these items for model building and some of the items I not sure what I should get in what type I would need..Again I am a newbie and I want to make sure I get everything I need to start building my own model kits..Basically I need everything as I do not have any tools or other supplies needed at home to build models..

If you have time can you please post a link to or places in the US I can get a good price on everything I need please,it be greatly appreciated.

Styrene strips I have seen video's where modelers use these but do not state what size they use so what would you all recommend I should get?

gap filler what should I get for this?

glues,epoxy,glue that dries clear for windows,I need to know what I would need to get in each one of these glues?

cutting tools like a hobby knife different sizes if I need them what would you all recommend I should get?

tweezers.side tweezers

alligator clips

Cleaners to clean up all my tools or to remove painting mistakes.

Different sizes of masking tapes that will not peel paint of models

I hope I mentioned everything if I did not please let me know what other supplies I may need.

Thank You
Do you have a hobby store in your town? You might want to start there and ask the staff for help, they can supply you with everything you need.
Thanks everyone,the only place I have that carries any kind of hubby kits and supplies is Micheals even they do not a great selection for hobby supplies so most of the stuff I would have to order online..I will ask them if they can get any of the supplies I would need..

Thank You both for your help..
Lately I have been saying to buy what you need when you need it or if you are pretty sure you are going to need it. Otherwise you could end up with a lot of stuff you don't need. The downside to that is you will lose time waiting for stuff to arrive.
Lately I have been saying to buy what you need when you need it or if you are pretty sure you are going to need it. Otherwise you could end up with a lot of stuff you don't need. The downside to that is you will lose time waiting for stuff to arrive.

Yeah that was the downside to ordering only stuff I needed so I am up that I buy stuff I need or don't need but I am sure at one point in time some of the stuff will come in handy..

Now I have notice a lot of members who build there kits have some sort of mat there kits are being built on that has all sorts of measurements on it,I notice some are ether green and also what looks to be in white or a light grayish color what are these mats called if there called mats?

They look to be really handy to have..
"Hobby mat", "Cutting mat, and so on. The grid helps but I have never used it for measuring.

Sent from my Etch A Sketch.
Can someone tell me what is the most common sizes in Styrene Strips is used when you all do model kits?

There is so many sizes I just would like to get the most commonly used sizes..
All of them, or maybe just some of them. If your building a kit, you wont likely need any, if your building a scratch build model. then you will need what ever pieces you need. Don't buy any until you know what you need them for. You could buy some sheets of various thickness if you want to make your own strips.
Hey Ranger1033. I'm new to this site but figured I'd jump in and add my 2 cents. The kit you are looking at is definitely a great place to start. I love the Iwata guns. It looks like you will be painting in small scale which means you might be investing in micron air brushes . You can achieve high detail with a .50 tip but maybe not as precise as you'll need in the future. Micron are pretty costly but for intricate work it is a necessity. Iwatas are also very simple to breakdown and re assemble. For a less expensive "starter" you can look on TCP Global at their Master brand. You will be working with very low pressure and moisture is not your friend anything you afford to prevent this is well worth the cost. Most definitely watch lots of tutorials and practice practice practice . Also multiple guns are great when you can afford it as well as using gravity guns opposed to siphon. The clean out and paint usage is faster and uses less paint. I like to keep certain colors for certain guns. White sucks in any medium so when I have it spraying the way I want it stays in that gun and I'll use other guns for for multiple colors. I also do the same with black. Remember to to do base coats 1st d use the AB for effects. You can base small parts using opaque colors with the AB but a detail gun is better. Good luck hope this helps
For a beginner start out as cheaply as you can. Try ebay or craigs list for slightly used items and try first to get accustomed using these tools. I picked an old used compressor for just over 30 bucks and it works great. I also picked up a new badger 360 on ebay for about $70. Once you master using these tools then you might want to move on to the higher priced tools. Just my 2cents
Ok, to find hobby equipment you may have to think outside of the box a bit. Try Lowe's, or Home Depot. they do have some of the smaller hobby stuff or at least tools that can be used. Your local hardware store is a good source. Sears has some hobby stuff, Jo-Ann Fabrics (assuming there's one in your area) is similar to Michael's. Just about any well stocked Art supply store is as good as any hobby shop. Also look into Harbor Frieght Tools. They're not super high quality, but if you want to save some money they're hard to beat. Finally try the book store of a college campus especially if the college has a good art program.
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