Movies you want to see made (or made right) before you die.


Master Member
Yes some have been made and remade, but I didn't like them. :p

Off the top of my head......

A modern War of the Worlds, with the Thunderchild battle!

A modern The Time Machine! only with up to date hardcore latest crazy ass science behind it.

A Star Trek.... where they actually boldy go and explore as the storys whole point and why they risk it all for an inch more of knowledge.

Batman! Cloth costume huge as hell and all, true to comic as all get out.

An epic realistic modern film about WWII fighter pilots that doesn't suck!
Or any era fighter pilots for that matter that doesn't suck.

Silver Surfer!! And only Silver Surfer, no team mashups, origins and all.

And from the other thread, a Frazetta style hardcore Conan.

The Wright brothers! Their lives were filled with epic drama.
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Sinister Six Spiderman movie

3 new Star Wars movies

Oh and a reality TV program where people can fight to the death, this must happen before I die so I can go out in style.
The first few books in Burrough's Mars Trilogy were just begging to be made into sequels. It's a pity that Disney instead mashed them up into one movie. What potential.
Star Wars reboot with someone other than Lucas directing an all star cast with great dialogue.


I would like to see the gritty film noir detective genre return to prominence.
Tom Clancy's Without Remorse....great book

Any of Vince Flynn's Mitch Rapp series.

On the Star Wars front, I wouldn't mind to see the Thrawn trilogy on film.
Tom Clancy's Without Remorse....great book

Oh dear heavenly Zeus, YES!

Also, I want to see David Weber's In Fury Born done with nothing left out (because really, you can't leave anything out of that story). The Imperial Cadre make Halo Spartans look like bog standard ground pounders.

Oooh, and the David Weber/Linda Evans Multiverse books (Hell's Gate, Hell Hath No Fury). I know that they aren't finished writing them, but who cares! I want to see high magic vs industrial revolution with psionics, damnit!
A really good Generation 1 inspired live action Transformers movie with as many of the original cast as possible. An 80s inspired GI Joe movie that doesn't look like michael bay wrote it while on the toilet.
Aquaman. All the way.

Oh, and Justice League. Hopefully this coming 2015 will be a great DC year.


A sequel to the Crow (doesn't exactly need it, but I just want to see a new version done good)
Oh, and a Wing Commander movie that does not include a French-sounding Scot, and British-sounding French woman, Mr. Sarah Michelle Gellar, his stoner best friend, bald Kilrathi, or fighter craft that look like someone literally took WWII era fighters and sealed them for space-flight.

GYUH!!! I HATED that movie!
The first few books in Burrough's Mars Trilogy were just begging to be made into sequels. It's a pity that Disney instead mashed them up into one movie. What potential.
Similarly, I'd like to see a movie that is faithful to Burroughs' first Tarzan novel. Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes was close, but still missed the mark considerably. Unfortunately, that's probably as good as it'll get in my lifetime.
I find it odd the number of folks calling for remakes... yet, we've have had threads complaining about remakes. :confused

I don't think anyone's gotten Batman right yet and I find it hard to believe that people worship the Nolan movies as they do. That said, I'd like a Batman movie I could get behind... do one (or all of these) right:

Batman: Year One
Batman: The Long Halloween (trilogy)
Dark Knight Returns

Sandman (a great idea for TV!)

Mage (the Matt Wagner series)

I still think Watchmen would make a great pay cable mini-series, although I don't think Snyder did a bad job.

Another Firefly/Serenity would be awesome.

I do get excited when I hear of a Logan's Run remake.

Max Headroom

A really good King Arthur / Knights of the Round Table film.

A good Zorro film - not that the Banderas thing was bad, I would just like something a tad more serious and epic.
I find it odd the number of folks calling for remakes... yet, we've have had threads complaining about remakes. :confused
I've seen threads complaining about the flood of bad remakes we've endured in recent years. If Hollywood and the filmmakers involved put some effort into creating good remakes instead of churning out crap just to make a buck, I think we'd see less of those threads.

...I don't think anyone's gotten Batman right yet...
That's a tough one to pull off, because everyone who's ever read the Batman comics has a different idea of who and what the character is, so it would be almost impossible to make a movie that satisfied everyone. That said, I would like to see someone attempt faithful versions of Batman: Year One and The Dark Knight Returns.
I find it odd the number of folks calling for remakes... yet, we've have had threads complaining about remakes. :confused..............

Sandman (a great idea for TV!)


They remake so much for all the wrong reasons. I think that is why.
Remakes should be rare and a compelling reason.

Gaiman had a Death screenplay for years, with rumours of a film impending constantly yet never did it come. This is another favorite character of mine.
You would think that they could have got it made with "goth" being hip there for a while. The opportunity is probably passed now.
I've seen threads complaining about the flood of bad remakes we've endured in recent years. If Hollywood and the filmmakers involved put some effort into creating good remakes instead of churning out crap just to make a buck, I think we'd see less of those threads.

They remake so much for all the wrong reasons. I think that is why.
Remakes should be rare and a compelling reason.
Actually... there's been lots of questioning over remakes. Period. Good/bad/wrong/right is all subjective.

I'm just stating an observation that in one thread we have folks complaining about remakes and in another people asking for remakes.
I've even stated (and backed up my statement) that remaking movies is not a new trend - this has been happening since pretty much day one in Hollywood.

They remake for the wrong reason? What is the wrong reason? It's your wrong reason... but, most of the time there's plenty of reasons to (re-)make any movie at any given time. And there are plenty of people with more experience in making movies and handling those large sums of money that's needed to make a Hollywood production. Unless your resume has something on it to prove otherwise, your opinion on what's a 'wrong reason' is moot.

Frankly, the remake issue has already been beaten to death in other threads... I just find it funny that one thread condemns them and another is asking for them.
Actually... there's been lots of questioning over remakes. Period. Good/bad/wrong/right is all subjective.

I'm just stating an observation that in one thread we have folks complaining about remakes and in another people asking for remakes.
I've even stated (and backed up my statement) that remaking movies is not a new trend - this has been happening since pretty much day one in Hollywood.

They remake for the wrong reason? What is the wrong reason? It's your wrong reason... but, most of the time there's plenty of reasons to (re-)make any movie at any given time. And there are plenty of people with more experience in making movies and handling those large sums of money that's needed to make a Hollywood production. Unless your resume has something on it to prove otherwise, your opinion on what's a 'wrong reason' is moot.

Frankly, the remake issue has already been beaten to death in other threads... I just find it funny that one thread condemns them and another is asking for them.

All I can do is vote with my ticket if it is the wrong reason.
Wrong reason is they own the rights and they want to milk it. Maybe that makes shareholders happy, but if your a devotee of the source materials it can truly suck.

Isn't it OK to want subject matter that was seriously botched in ones perspective to have another shot at getting it right?

Fantastic Four and the sequel were terrible to me as a fan. I still want a real Silver Surfer flick.

Right reasons to me are that they can get closer to the source materials because yes, technology can help that or past films are seriously dated.

Bottomline, the right reason to the fan is it should be good, bring you even closer to the material and not feel like a rehash once, twice, three times removed.

I love the Nolan Batmans. The first being much closer to the source for me.

But I know there is a way to make an even more pure film for instance.

Trek has wandered far from the source material, and I want that great message and feeling back and I know it can be done with the right creative team. I value it's message and I want it back.

Just examples of my viewpoint.

I didn't see a compelling reason to remake Total Recall for instance.
No idea why Robocop needs to be remade.
I puzzle why they choose to remake rather then just stay in those universes
and soldier on with a new character and story without stepping on the originals.
I'd like a really epic space trip like 2001 was.
Something that leaves your head really spinning with questions that expand how you view the universe. That is a big order though. I don't expect that kind of thing is possible again.
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