1st peek Stargate SG-1 screen-used stuff


Sr Member
I got in the last stuff from legends. Its going to take me the weekend to sort the pictures & create smaller thumbnails etc and post it all up, but here's some lower res shots just as a sneak peek. I apologize beforehand SgtFang if your keyboard shorts out from drooling knowing some of these things are on your eventual 'to make' list.

Jaffa collar armor: has some tears and like most of the armor pieces its a foam. I'll need advice on how to patch the rips just to stabalize it for display purposes.

and Jaffa leg armor

Pieces of the Continuum Stargate: the glyph is 1/4 thick black plastic thats smooth on 1 side and has texture on the other. Smooth side up with the glyph cut and glued on top & lines etched in the surface.

Part of the inner gate ring. Its basically a skim slush cast with a few layers of fiberglass for backing

Gate blueprints: I already had a set that was signed by Shanks. When legends had this set up something just didn't look the same. The prints looked crisper/cleaner than my smaller legal size prints. To my surprise this set came and they're mini-poster 2x3ft size :eek


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