how friendly is monster clay with ultracal30


New Member
I will be making a return to Comicon next year... and I will be going incognito!
I am cosplaying as Hank McCoy, specifically from the All New X-men when he was a pretty kitty, and not from when he turned into a blue sasquatch. I am also making a friend of mine into a Hellgirl.

Thankfully I have just a little under a year before Comicon to learn.. everything.

Before I suffocate myself with a lifecasting, i figured it would be a good idea to start with my hands. For that I am going to make an alginate mold of my hands and pour ultracal 30 for the positive. Sculpt monster clay onto the ultracal hand and then mold that in yet more ultracal.
So my first question. I assume something has to go between the ultracal and the monster clay. is krylon crystal clear enough? I just pulled out a hulking batch of never before used monster clay and I would hate to have it stick in the pores of the ultracal and become a giant mess.

I have more questions, but before I ask them like a boob, I'm going to apply the search tool to scour the forums. In fact, I only ask this one in haste, as I have a window of opportunity to go across town tomorrow to pick up supplies. So if this has already been answered, please forgive me.. or better yet, direct me to the post.

Hi, I've made many ultracal 30 molds of monster clay sculpts and never used any type of sealer before. The clay just peels right off of the ultracal once it's cooled down as long as there's not any crazy undercuts, and if there are you might have to do a little scraping to get it out but lt shouldn't be a problem.

Good luck with the project!
I use monster clay almost exclusively and I've never had a problem with UltraCal.
The only thing I have to do sometimes is heat the clay after everything is set up just so it's a bit easier to get out if the mould.
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