The Official Star Trek Kitbash Kontest - Sponsored by the RPF and Jm419!

RPF Staff

Legendary Member
Community Staff
We are very excited to host our first model oriented contest thanks to the efforts of Jm419!

See his rules below!
The Official Kitbash Kontest - Sponsored by theRPF!

Now, for an all-modeling-themed contest, theRPF staff and I proudly present:

Kitbash Kontest Rules

1. The Kontest will run between Midnight CST on May 1, 2011 and Midnight CST on May 31, 2011. It will run for the entire month of May, and voting will run for a week (with a few days of cushion time) beyond that, from Midnight CST on June 3, 2011 to Midnight CST on June 10, 2011. You get the idea – midnight CST for deadlines.

2. The actual content is simple:
1. Those who wish to enter will kitbash a custom Star Trek TOS era starship, using only what is included in two (2) Polar Lights Classic Enterprise 1/1000 kits.
2. Two starships is permissible, assuming that you use nothing which is not included in the boxes. It is up to you to decide if you are going to build one starship or two.
3. Only four colors of paint are allowed – green, red, copper, and dark gray. How you choose to use them is up to you. You may choose to use a primer, but if you do so, you must cover it entirely by the allowed paint. If any primer shows on the finished model, your model will be disqualified for using more than the allowed paint colors.
4. Glue is allowed, but it can only be used for structural purposes – so no extra parts made from glue. Glue may only allowed to adhere parts to each other.
5. Everything that comes with the box may be used in the build. Model parts, sprues, decals, the instructions, even the plastic wrapping or the box itself. However, aside from paint and adhesives, that is all that you may use for this kitbash.​

3. Entries must be submitted to Please title your e-mail “Kitbash Kontest Entry", and include your RPF screen name in the body of the e-mail.

4. All entries must include:
1. Up to but not more than three (3) photos of your starship/starships. No set dressing will be allowed – that is, pictures may not be photoshopped, and the starships must be photographed against a neutral background with nothing else in the photograph. Clear photographs are not required, but are highly encouraged.
2. Your RPF username.​

5. All pictures will be kept until this Kontest is concluded. The voting thread will be posted as soon as possible afterwards, but if they're not up on the third, they'll be up soon.

6. It is encouraged (but not required) that you post your intention to participate in this thread. A simple “I'm in,” or “Let's do this” will suffice.

7. One entry per person. You may build two ships, but your entry may not include anything more than what is included in two of the allowed kits.

8. Entries must be submitted to this Kontest only – they must not appear on any other boards or be posted anywhere else for people to see. Let's play fair, fellas - this is a Kitbash Kontest, not a popularity contest. Please refrain from posting photos or build threads anywhere until the contest is finished. If you do post, you will be disqualified for cheating and attempting to sway votes for yourself.

9. Each voter will have an unlimited number of votes – in case there's a runaway favorite, we want others to have some recognition too. This is a first for theRPF, and we've chosen to use the multiple vote option for this contest. We cannot set the limit on the votes, but must choose between one vote per member or allowing every member to vote an unlimited number of times. Vote for all models you think deserve a prize, or you think would fit into the Star Trek universe. However, voting for every model is discouraged.

10. First place winner will have first choice of the prizes, and second place will have second choice, and so on. There will be as many winners as there are prizes.

11. For this Kontest, we will have as many winners as we do prizes. TheRPF has kindly provided funds for a limited number of prizes, but if you're interested in donating a prize, please PM me.

12. Have fun. If you have any questions, post here. This ought to be fun, folks.

Prizes will be posted here as we determine what they are. Keep checking back!​

TheRPF has provided the following prizes:
1. A 1/850 Bandai Enterprise kit. This is widely considered to be the best Enterprise Refit kit available for amateur modelers, as it comes pre-painted, pre-detailed, and best of all, pre-lit.
2. An MPC Star Destroyer kit and an AMT Klingon Bird of Prey. These two kits are one prize.

3. TheSt.LouisKid has kindly donated one of his custom Klingon Knife kits to this contest. See here:
4. Levi has kindly donated a Star Trek barware set. It includes a bottle opener, corkscrew and bottle opener keyring.
5. WookieGunner has kindly donated a gold-plated Starfleet badge from the Wrath of Khan. See here:
6. daltman1967 has kindly donated a Micro Machines Enterprise 1701-D model. See here:

Let's boldly go where no model builder has gone before. Design your starship today!
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WooHoo another missed out on the last one due to time constraints.......

What's the cost and where does one procure said kit?

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If I can track down the kits in the UK I am in. So you have to use green, red, copper, or dark gray for the body color? And are they specific brands/colors?
Ahhhh, but what shade of dark gray can we use? And since there are MANY shades of dark gray, can we use multiple shades or do we ONLY use one? ;)
Nope. The kit comes in gray. It's the common Polar Lights 1/1000 Enterprise model, with this box art:


This kit was chosen because of the number of different nacelles and saucer options included.

No specific brands of colors are required. And, JM (lol, ironic) you can use any color gray you want to, provided it's darker than the hull color. Only one shade of any given color may be used - so that there are only a maximum of four colors on the model, not including the unpainted plastic or decals.

So, one color gray, not many.

Any other questions? I can hardly wait for the build photos to come in.
Are you allowed to Mix the 4 basic Colors to produce different tones?
Also what about putty to fill holes as long as it only fills holes and not used to create extra pieces.

P.S. I am in pending I can find the Kits locally.
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No mixing of colors. Just the four basic shades.

As putty is not as readily available as glue, let's stick with what's on the list, so as to be fairer to everyone, especially those on a limited budget. ;)

LOL, I suppose you can use the box. I'll go add an addendum to the rules.
Dag Nabit!!! My local hobby store has one regular model kit and one refit kit...

Guess I am going to have to order online...
I guess im going to have to do this one then...thought of my idea in the middle of the night last night while going to the bathroom :confused
I guess im going to have to do this one then...thought of my idea in the middle of the night last night while going to the bathroom :confused

Ahhh Tis a wonderous place of enlightenment. Just hope it does not look like a piece of $#!+. lol :lol just kidding. I am sure it will be great. I am just curious to see how many of us have the same basic Ideas.
I'm pretty excited. I have my own two kits, and I'll be building mine up too, but I won't enter. I'm very eager to see what others have come up with.
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