Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Raiden


Hello all!

I started a thread here on the forums with my WIP shots and updates (which you can check out here:

And now that my outfit is finally finished, I took it out yesterday for a shoot with photographers Brian Lim and Gerbie Pabalonia. You can see their work here:

Beyond Photography: Digital Art Photographer

After two and a half months of hard work, I'm done! and I'm really happy with how the shots from the shoot turned out! I did the shoot with my friend Eden, who did Raiden from Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.

We're putting these pics up in time for the games release on the 19th of February so we hope you enjoy them! There will be more to come soon so check back once in a while ;))

Post processed by Gerbie


Post Processed by Brian


Post Processed by Me:



Holy crap man...I need to send you one of my pictures so you can "post process" it! Are you really throwing that kick in those heels? LOVE these man! super impressive!
El fett: yes that was me kicking for real in those heels haaha. they were a b*tch to wear but i managed 3 or 4 hours in them XD
Wow! I've been doing a lot of reference research for raiden cosplay as well, and I have to say that you are the ONLY one who got the hair right!
The rest of the costume goes without saying, its freaking great!

Can you part with your secret of how what material you made the tendons/muscle groups of?
mogcaiz: thank you very much! i wanted to make the outfit as accurate as I could!

The muscle fiber pieces are made from insulation foam (the kind you find in cushions) and i coated them with rubber cement and when it was tacky, i used a stick to 'sculpt' in the texture. Then just spray painted over them :)
Awesome work! My favorite picture out of them all is the bottom one. It shows how mobile the costume is, and a clear shot of your face. The bolts in the head are something I did not catch earlier.
Wow thats freaking awesome first couple of pics I wasn't even sure if it was game shots or not haha, Really killer work on this one!
Alpha Proto: Thank you! I love that pic too XD was one of the most fun poses we did during the shoot. Glad you noticed the bolts on my forehead too!

Nytefall: thank you very much! :D
Insulation foam? Really? I wouldn't thought insulation foam would break under stress. But you say you coat it with rubber cement, wouldn't that melt the foam or something? Is it viable? I've been thinking of silicone or latex cast if I should create them.
Alpha Proto: XDD Thank you so much! my photoshopping skills were getting a little rusty so this was a good chance to play around with edits.

mogcaiz: yep it's cheaper and easy to work with. It does tear from me being too vigorous in my movements like the kick pose and other extreme poses but nothing more rubber cement cant fix. No the foam just absorbs the glue and makes it tacky. You could try silicone but it's heavy. I considered silicone and latex too but i didnt want to spend much more since the outfit already cost me about 650 USD
This is fantastic! I have recently become interested in cosplaying, a lot. I am attempting to make my own Raiden outfit and Dante (from DMC 3) I am teaching my self to make the clothing. However I have an issue with the wigs. I do not know where to buy the right one and websites that I have found provide ones that are nothing close. Could you please recommend a store I can purchase a good Raiden and or Dante wig from? (a good store that sells video game character wigs would be great) And if I buy a wig do I have to style it my self?
Great work! I got to play the game today, and was comparing the details with your costume... It's spot on! Very cool looking.
Mattrendar: thanks! Yup please check out the link in the first post!

Kyru: thank you very much! Unfortunately it is hard to find wigs that are styled the way we want so most of the time youre going to need to cut and style your own wigs. For my raiden wig i got a basic white shoulder length wig with a long fringe and layered it then dyed it slightly darker so it would be more of an ash grey color and then i back combed and sprayed with hair spray

Diegator: thank you so much! Im glad you like the work! Ive also been following your grey fox build and i must say its amazing. Getting the servos to work makes it look so darn sweet and the work is very clean!

Michael11722: thanks dude! Glad to see some MGS fans on this forum :)) i wanted to make a suit that would allow me to be able to do most of the poses that are iconic to Raiden so i went with a four way stretch lycra. Im also lucky the design doesnt completely cover most of his joints with armor ;)
I can't get over how cool these pics are...I'm so pumped to play this game now...If I could only find a way to make the day longer...
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