Skyrim Helm of Yngol (pic heavy) FINISHED PICS PG3


Sr Member
Sooooo I was searching google images for something cool from skyrim to make and I tripped over this thing....


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Re: Skyrim Helm of Yngol (pic heavy)

I asked for a link to the pep in a different thread and got the file yesterday... So today....




Then, I slopped on some resin and a quick test fit:


I taped off the holes for the horns, I'll add them later, but smoothing will be easier this way:


I then slushed resin inside the helmet for strength:


Pulled off the tape and...:




Then I slopped on the filler:




First sanding:




More later, I think today has been plenty productive...
Re: Skyrim Helm of Yngol (pic heavy)

Thanks! So I got a bit more done today after getting a driving ticket on the way to home depot... Tried to beat traffic by taking some side streets and I overlooked a "no right turn between 7 and 9am" street sign. (pulled over at 8:50am!!!!) Hope I sell some of these and make up for the ticket. haha

Okay enough venting! ON TO THE PROGRESS!!!!!









And I made a horn today:


I think I will make a horn mold first rather than making two of these from paper and bondo.... Should take a few days... But there is still plant to do... Thoughts?
Re: Skyrim Helm of Yngol (pic heavy)

hey man, helm is looking good so far. Only thing I think might be off is that flat spot on the back. I've got some nice renders of this and it looks like it has a taper to a point at the back of the helmet - I'm actually starting up one of these in about 2 weeks or so for a client.

My blueprints of the piece:

And the 3D files I based them off of, attached. Thoughts?
Re: Skyrim Helm of Yngol (pic heavy)

I don't know man, the profile shot makes it look like its flat on the backside which would lead to a pair of corners on the back but also has a rib running down the middle of it. But the back shot makes it look flat with no rib. It's really hard to tell with this helmet especially due tO the way its constructed with all those angles on it... Might be up to interpretation... I'll mess with it a little.

Thanks for the shots!
Re: Skyrim Helm of Yngol (pic heavy)

It looks great so far and I'm a big fan of both you and Volpin :D but I have to disagree with you both on the back, to me it doesn't look like it have any hard edges at all on the back, just my opinion though.

Anyway I thought you may like to have some renders of the model with its normal maps only and no diffuse texture, so here are a few of the back. If you want any others just say so :)




Hope they help and once again it is looking great so far!
Re: Skyrim Helm of Yngol (pic heavy)

Oh wow. Thanks! Where did you get these? I didnt even know it had those rivets on the back...
Re: Skyrim Helm of Yngol (pic heavy)

Oh wow. Thanks! Where did you get these? I didnt even know it had those rivets on the back...

I brought the game model into blender3d, put on the normal maps and then rendered it out. I get you as many shots of it as you'd like, I just need to know what you want :)
Re: Skyrim Helm of Yngol (pic heavy)

wow thanks! I think this will do for sure!

Can you actually get me detail shots of the glass dagger?
Re: Skyrim Helm of Yngol (pic heavy)

wow thanks! I think this will do for sure!

Can you actually get me detail shots of the glass dagger?
Sure :) I'll have to do that tomorrow afternoon but I'll try to get them to you as soon as I can.
Re: Skyrim Helm of Yngol (pic heavy)

It looks great so far and I'm a big fan of both you and Volpin :D but I have to disagree with you both on the back, to me it doesn't look like it have any hard edges at all on the back, just my opinion though.

Anyway I thought you may like to have some renders of the model with its normal maps only and no diffuse texture, so here are a few of the back. If you want any others just say so :)




Hope they help and once again it is looking great so far!

And can you post a few shots of the horn texture? I was going to make them smooth like bull horns but they look... Stepped???

Thank you
Re: Skyrim Helm of Yngol (pic heavy)

Skyrim!? O_O *fanboy squeal*

This is looking pretty badass, actually. Hopefully you can indeed sell some to make up for that ticket. :p Loving the progress, it's doin pretty good. Question, what do you use for spacers? To keep it open when you first pep it, I mean. Just cardstock?
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