What type of paint for flesh?

darthscifi wrote:
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I just picked up a life mask bust, and im trying to find the right skin colors for an air brush. Any ideas
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No offense and not trying to be PC, but the answer to your question would depend on who the life mask is of.
Ya that would help huh?

Its a 5/6 battle damaged T2 bust.
I plan on chome plating the endo sections and adding real hair. I have been looking at liquitex acrylic paints from www.dickblick.com but im not sure what colors would make the correct skin tone. I saw a tutorial on painting resin garage kits, but they are all of silky smooth nudes. I don't wan't Arnie looking sexy. lol
here's an article that should help:


a more simplified method is this:

Use a base coat of a beige/flesh mix. Basically, a very pale, slightly peachy beige.

Use that new color as the base for all your other colors.

Mix a reddish brown with your base for a pinkish flesh that's darker than your base color. Using a torn house sponge, stipple on this layer over the whole thing.

Next, use a red-brown through an airbrush to shade a few areads (around the eyes, ears and lips as those are usually more "red" than the rest of the face.) Also hit the areas surrounding the wounds but not the very edge, you'll want that light to look "sickly".

Next, use a take your base color and mix in purple and gray. Spray through an airbrush to shade the eye sockets and lips.

Mix more purple into that color and add some bruising to the wound areas. This should mix well with the red-brown layers below.

Don't forget to mix some black in with your blood tones at the edges. It's a simple trick for a nice "gory" look.

Here's one i painted up some time ago for a member here. Unfotunately, this was before i got into the sponge methods and looks a little flat to my eye. Had i used the method above it would've looked much more alive! (BTW- the eye is a simple craft store faux jewel)


Here's some pics i took during the painting of one of my Peter Cushing busts. It's a pretty good example of the above mentioned method.


Anyway, the colors i'd get are:
largest amounts:
next largest:
PURPLE (small amount), GRAY (small amount)

you can also try FREAK FLEX paints by Badger... lots of unsexy colors there!

hope that helps!
Wow Tom thats the best info! Thanks. That Bust looks amazing, I can't wait to get started. What did you use for the real eye?
darthscifi wrote:
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Wow Tom thats the best info! Thanks. That Bust looks amazing, I can't wait to get started. What did you use for the real eye?
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it was solid plaster so a glass eye would've been too much trouble. I just painted it

dblank wrote:
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Great info WAMPA!! anychance you could write more about how you painted the eye? Thanks
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I could, but it's not terribly exciting. A base circle of light brown, darker around the edge of the iris and then alternating streaks of green, grey and brown coming out like spokes from the pupil. Black dot for the pupil and some gloss and you're done.

It's actually not to hard to paint ONE eye... and a huge pain to do two! For me it's always tough to match them in size and position... but just one is fun

PHArchivist wrote:
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Tom, can we archive this...?
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i think so
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