Star Trek TNG & DS9 Padds, Just picked up first set. Build, Graphics, Questions etc


Hey Trekkies
I'm a huge trekkie and with the help of a friend i got 2 types of Padds from Local laser cutters.
I picked up a big sheet of 3mm acrylic & got it cut in to sections for the local laser cutters to fit in there tiny machine
I sent the 2 designs in and got email to say they were done so i went in and picked up the first ones and here they are

Actually i should of removed the plastic protecting the Black Acrylic. (Next Pictures

I thought i would make a thread this is my first in many years so please forgive any mistakes.

So in this thread i wanted to ask for peoples favorite padd graphics ideas for both padds.
The large padd is bigger than the Gabriel Bell Padd but i have seen a picture online with it being used sideways with Romulan Graphics, i am not sure if that was actually used in the show or if it was just a different idea...the romulan graphics.

The Smaller TNG Padd is very common and i've seen lots of different graphics from just numbers to very well detailed Enterprise D.

I have enough plastic for 10 of each so i have a lot of chances to make some nice padds.

Also wondered if both types would have a rear sticker saying PADD etc?

So please if you have any input on these it would be very welcomed, long story but Trek is like therapy for me and im going to build these and upload my progress step by step even if no one reads it :D

Any comments welcomed,

Re: Star Trek TNG & DS9 Padds, Just picked up first set. Build, Graphics, Questions

Hi everyone
This is a pic of the Romulan Padd i think used in Nemesis and might make a nice looking props and i have enough material for 10 large & 10 Small ones.
Does anyone know where i might find something like the graphic shown in the picture? Dont suppose it was a RPF members padd.
I have some more ideas il post later but if anyone could help with the graphic i would be very grateful. I have done a lot of searching but this padd has quite a big display area and i have not found many that are that size or that can be adjust to fit without quality loss.
Many thanks in advance.

Re: Star Trek TNG & DS9 Padds, Just picked up first set. Build, Graphics, Questions

I found another version that uses the same template with a different graphic. It looks very nice certainly much better than some LCAR Padd Graphics
Has anyone got any LCAR files that would fit or could point me in the right direction...most ive found online have been for smaller padds
Many Thanks for looking
Re: Star Trek TNG & DS9 Padds, Just picked up first set. Build, Graphics, Questions

Here are a couple more TNG PADDs that use that same shape.


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Re: Star Trek TNG & DS9 Padds, Just picked up first set. Build, Graphics, Questions

Thanks Mike i really like the look of the Red one and thought as im guessing its a engineering or command Padd
I have a Padd here i got as a set of 5 of ebay from germany years ago and it has a list of ships.
I thought making like a Red one with utopia planitia Shipyards with for example
USS Defiant Dock 1 OVERHAUL Armour etc
I will take a pic of it and it might explain a bit better what i would do with the red one.

Many thanks for your input its great
Re: Star Trek TNG & DS9 Padds, Just picked up first set. Build, Graphics, Questions

Hi techno,

the PADD seen in posting #3 is my work, a few years ago I did this one from grey PVC hardfoam. The display is recreated with CorelDraw from a auction from Rick Sternbach, same as the graphics in #4.

Please send me a PM with your email address for more details.

Keep on trekking

Re: Star Trek TNG & DS9 Padds, Just picked up first set. Build, Graphics, Questions

They are amazing and very cool...its amazing that you came across this thread
What are the chances ?
PM on its way
Re: Star Trek TNG & DS9 Padds, Just picked up first set. Build, Graphics, Questions

Sorry posted before the your other post
Thats great i was looking for them to complete the small ones
This site is just amazing it seems to be a common trait amongst us trekkies that we share and keep it going
Big thanks & i just PM you.
Re: Star Trek TNG & DS9 Padds, Just picked up first set. Build, Graphics, Questions

Here's an engineering PADD made from the small PADD pattern. It has an additional cut-out for the buttons.


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Re: Star Trek TNG & DS9 Padds, Just picked up first set. Build, Graphics, Questions

Here's an engineering PADD made from the small PADD pattern. It has an additional cut-out for the buttons.

Oh wow thats Laforges padd i didn't twig that its just a extra rectangular hole on the bottom.
I will get a few cut if i can work out how big that cut out for the buttons will make a nice addition to my growing padd collection
I guess then button wise i could 3d print the buttons but rubber ones would be great however i doubt i could find them as if i recall they are from a calculator i could be wrong.
Thanks very much Mike J
Re: Star Trek TNG & DS9 Padds, Just picked up first set. Build, Graphics, Questions

You're welcome. Those pictures are ripped from the old "Interactive Technical Manual" CD-ROM for TNG (circa 1994), so they're very low res. I wish they were better, but the plus side is that they are definitely the real deal, as it looked at the time of filming.
Re: Star Trek TNG & DS9 Padds, Just picked up first set. Build, Graphics, Questions

I took a picture of one of the 5 padds and tried to take a clear picture so you can see the writing
I thought i could maybe do a Wolf 359 fleet comprising of all of the ships i dare say a number but i thought it was 49 ships please dont shout its a off the top of my head.
However there are endless amounts of padds you can make with actual real trek details and im sure Admirals etc would have thes,another cool one is the 9th fleet from DS9
Feel free to chip in ideas
Re: Star Trek TNG & DS9 Padds, Just picked up first set. Build, Graphics, Questions

Here are a few more, including a small medical(?) PADD docked to the wall, a blue(?) large PADD in Sickbay, and a shot of Geordi's PADD 'in situ.'



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Re: Star Trek TNG & DS9 Padds, Just picked up first set. Build, Graphics, Questions

You're welcome. Those pictures are ripped from the old "Interactive Technical Manual" CD-ROM for TNG (circa 1994), so they're very low res. I wish they were better, but the plus side is that they are definitely the real deal, as it looked at the time of filming.

Well im sure i might find something similar to the circuit board bit and with perseverance i will find the bits or as close to.
So that picture is a production piece i mean it may be screen used or just produced and not used
Sorry im trying to ask if the picture is screen/production used detail wise....its accurate?

Its great having that pic at all so thanks for digging that one out
I tried finding my Star Fleet Technical/Survival guide has stuff like linking a communicator to a tricorder and other stuff to see if there were any padd info on them but it looks like its been chucked out, i got the recent Star Trek The Visual Dictionary for Xmas and its great but i need to get hold of that tech guide il have a look on amazon

The other padd i got ages ago from a 5 set was the one below and i quite like it and might make one it would be cool to get the enterprise D like the enterprise E graphic one below
Sorry im rambling....i just love trek :)

Re: Star Trek TNG & DS9 Padds, Just picked up first set. Build, Graphics, Questions

As far as I know, they're all real props, photographed on set. Beyond that, as to what's 'hero' or 'stunt', screen-used versus production-made, I don't know.

I remember one of the printed technical manuals had a great drawing of a PADD opened up, so you could see the weird diagonal circuitry and isolinear optical chips inside.

Attached is a screen-cap of something similar, but it's obvious they just stuck some found circuit boards in there.

Also attached are some other caps of PADDs, not from the Technical Manual CD-ROM.



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Re: Star Trek TNG & DS9 Padds, Just picked up first set. Build, Graphics, Questions

Since no one posted, I should post my stuff for the small Padd You can find my stuff at the link below. I spent years going over every reference book, talking to people who worked on the graphics. I own original props. I have done tons of work to get the graphics and Padds. correct. With the colors used on the show. Check it out. Will have new templates for other Padds. Soon.


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Re: Star Trek TNG & DS9 Padds, Just picked up first set. Build, Graphics, Questions

Also been updating the TNG Tech CD Images, enlarging them and cleaning them up the best I can. Look in reference/TNG/TNG Tech Manuel. Nice photos of props from the cd too.
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