RinzlerTron's Halloween 2013 Costume Contest Entry Corvo Attano (Dishonored)


Sr Member
Back in October of 2012 I started sculpting a Dishonored mask replica based off of the one from the game. Well, now it's October of 2013, and I've decided to enter it into the Halloween contest.
First of all, this was not my first time sculpting... I first started sculpting when I was about 10 years old... that's when I really started having a passion for creating things. I got most of my inspiration from Tim Burton, and my favorite movie to watch when I was younger was The Nightmare Before Christmas (still to this day my favorite movie). It was so fascinating to me to see all of those characters made by hand.
But anyway, back to the point. This was not my first time sculpting, as I said. I actually had sculpted things like a Jack Skellington head, different little figure things, small sculptures, and things like this. But this was the first time I ever planned on molding something like this. And so I created this sculpture to mold using silicone...
corvo mask.JPG
I poured the silicone mold over it (270 dollars later... I will post a pic of the mold soon) and it ended up working (you can see in my later posts!). I took out the fiberglass/bondo resin mixture cast I had made, and it was such an exciting moment! I then trimmed it up, used some apoxy sculpt on it, drilled holes in it, painted it, put the wires through, put the burlap on, and finally put a plexiglass piece in the eye.
Now, after this, I obviously wanted the rest of Corvo's costume. Well, most of it is already finished. I have no progress pictures of the coat and vest, but I will say, it really helps sell the look.... Soon, when I go have my photoshoot, you will see what I mean.
The Sword was pretty easy... I ordered it from shapeways, put it together, and painted it. YES. The sword is indeed functional! (meaning it does flip out like in the game)
I still have to work on the bone charms, belts, and possible one of the spring razor mine thingies (forgot the name at the moment....)
The hardest part of the entire costume was trying to get the mask close to 100% accurate to the game while keeping it realistic... But, that is also what I am most proud of! The mask really turned out the way I wanted it to, and I would say it's at least a good 90-98% in-game accurate while maintaining the realistic metal/steampunk look.
Anyway, enjoy the thread, and know that soon you will see more of my suit than just the mask and sword!


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Re: Dishonored Replicas

Pulled the mask from the silicone mold today. Turning out really well. Hopefully I will be able to finish it by Saturday.


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Re: Dishonored Replicas

interesting, what did you use to make that cast?

It was a thin layer of fiberglass mixed with bondo, then with a layer of just plain bondo applied directly to the back of the layer of the fiberlgass and bondo mixture, and then I backed it with strips of a thin whote fabric cut up and dipped in fiberglass, to give the cast strength :)
It worked pretty well, but there were two parts that the bondo somehow missed, and so I had to fill it in with just plain fiberglass.
Re: Dishonored Replicas

ah sounds like a long process for making a cast, so are you in an area where smooth-on products are really expensive, or do you just prefer your methods instead?
Re: Dishonored Replicas

ah sounds like a long process for making a cast, so are you in an area where smooth-on products are really expensive, or do you just prefer your methods instead?

Well, my silicone mold was smooth on, but the casting I just chose to do fiberglass and bondo because I jave a whole bunch of it laying arohnd. It took a bout a ful days work to do it, but it works just as well as actually buying a kind of casting resin, so to save money, it was a better option :)
Re: Dishonored Replicas

yeah its probably just as strong, right? i'm lazy so i just buy some smooth-cast and have a fun time :D

so when can i expect to see the cast all painted up??
Re: Dishonored Replicas

yeah its probably just as strong, right? i'm lazy so i just buy some smooth-cast and have a fun time :D

so when can i expect to see the cast all painted up??

Hopefully saturday, because that's when the halloween party is :)
I'm also working on the sword, and bone charms, and I have someone else workong on all the cloth parts for me :) hopefully, it will be almost fully complete by saturday, but I know the mask will be :)
Re: Dishonored Replicas

yeah its probably just as strong, right? i'm lazy so i just buy some smooth-cast and have a fun time :D

so when can i expect to see the cast all painted up??

Hopefully saturday, because that's when the halloween party is :)
I'm also working on the sword, and bone charms, and I have someone else workong on all the cloth parts for me :) hopefully, it will be almost fully complete by saturday, but I know the mask will be :)
Re: Dishonored Replicas

Time for some updates from the week!

first of all, the mask, vest(s), sword, jacket, boots, pants, and shirt are all finished!
But, unfortunately, I don't have the bone charms, belts (3 of them I don't have done. I have one done, one that's almost done so I can wear it, and then I'm missing the one that goes around my chest that holds the bone charms and I am also missing the two small belts that go around my forearms)
But, I do have progress pictures of the mask, and a finished picture of the sword. I don't want to show you guys the rest until I have the complete thing on tomorrow (with those few things I told you missing)...
Here is the mask after I trimmed it and added the apoxy sculpt (apoxy sculpt is very sticky btw.... it will literally stick to anything.... so be careful if you decide to use it.

Then, I used a dremmel to drill holes for the eye pieces and for the wires

And then I finally finished it by painting it, putting in the wire, putting in the glass piece for the eye, putting in the burlap, and things like that. But, I don't want to show you guys the full mask until tomorrow when I'm wearing it, just so you can appreciate the way it looks with the full thing (it looks much cooler that way in my opinion.) And yes, the weird eye thing that has the three circle pieces in it actually do have a good bit of detail put into them, you just can't see in this picture.

And here's the sword. Yes, it does extend the same way it does in the game (I can also take pictures of that tomorrow)

More updates tomorrow guys!
Re: Dishonored Corvo Attano (pic heavy)

I promised you guys I would post pictures yesterday, but only one person took pictures of me at the party. Hopefully I can get the pictures from that person and hopefully have a photoshoot soon as well.
So I will post pictures as soon as possible
Here's some photo's of the details of the mask... I really need to finish this up so I can go to a photoshoot...

Yes, I can see out of that eye....

And two reference photos (because, we all know those make everything better....)

Possibly an update tomorrow as well.... somehow I need to get the lense on my mask blue... I'll figure a way out.
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Figured I would add more pictures today, as I said I would last night!
Now before you see them, here's what needs to be done...
The giant belt: More leather detail
Smaller belts on the arms
The belt that goes across the chest and bone charms added to it

The black vest under the jacket: More buttons added

Anyway, here's some pictures:

Here's how the sword works:

And here is the first bone charm cast out of fiberglass (but not yet painted)

Moving right along guys, hope to have the whole thing done soon!
I'd love to have some feedback on this too, criticism included if necessary :thumbsup
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