Bride of Chucky- Tiffany Doll Modification help!


New Member
I am currently working on modifying my Spencers Tiffany Doll to make her look more real. I have never done anything like this in my life and its hard. I got my inspiration from Howlrunner. I was able to start my process but not finish it. I will post pictures to help show my process. First I cut off her hair with scissors and then shaved it as close down as I could. I then put the back of her head into a pan of boiling water until it got soft and I cut through using an x acto knife. I cut a bigger hole in the back of her head than Howlrunner did so I hope that doesn't cause me any problems in the future. After I cut the back of her head out, I took the cut out piece (the hair was still attached on the inside and sticking out like stubbles on the out side) and burned the hair to the point where it sort of melted together and started pulling it out piece by piece. I was able to get a class mate to lend me his airbrush in art class to paint her. I used what the art teacher had for airbrush paints and found that I liked the color of Dr. Ph. Martin's spectralite liquid acrylic 14k flesh 2 but the teacher didn't have enough for me to finish painting the doll. Its a good thing I did a test run on the cut out piece of her head because just the paint alone did not want to work properly. It gathered to look like the wetness on the outside of a condensating drink. My teacher suggested putting some clear spray coat over it first to give it a different texture and so I tested it on the cut out part of the head and it worked. So I sprayed the whole doll with what ever the clear spray stuff was and then went over her with the airbrush paint that ended up running out because the teacher didn't have enough. So I went online and purchased a 1 FL OZ bottle of the same brand and same color of paint and it wasn't working with the airbrush. We could get water to spray though the airbrush but not the paint so we came to the conclusion that I needed paint thinner. The teacher didn't have any and neither did I nor the kid who I was borrowing the airbrush from so I have put her aside for a while and now I'm ready to start working on her again. Before I continue I need to finish her skin coat. It is almost done but it has a few imperfections like parts that chipped off or smears in the paint from god knows what. Once I finish her skin and its to my likings I will want to start on my make up. Since I have never done a project like this before, I have no clue how I will even start on the make up! I know exactly how I want it to look but I don't know if I will be capable of pulling it off myself. I forgot to mention that I also cut out her eyes. I wish I had some sort of grinding/filling tool to make the holes in her eyes more smooth. As of now they are uneven and bumpy. I already purchased glass eyes for her. I got them from Amazing Realistic Reborn Dolls supplies. They are 24mm Green glass eyes. And like mentioned before, since I have never done anything like this, I don't know how to even go about putting the eyes in. I also want to use fake eyelashes for her. After I have all that done I wont know how to put her head back on and what would I do if I got her head back on and one of her eyes falls into her head! I am also having a hard time finding a wig that I want to use. For one, its got to be small enough to fit her doll-like head. Is it possible to tailor a wig to fit?!? And I am basing her whole look off of The Bride of Chucky (not The Seed of Chucky) So i want a shoulder length blonde wig with dark roots that has a bit of volume and a slight curl to it. And although I would love to spend a bunch of money to make her look as real as possible, I just cant afford any of the really nice wigs but I don't want a really ghetto wig either. I have found one wig that I have liked the best out of the millions of wigs that I have looked at Large Fit Long Choppy Layers Nirvana Tarah Wig U Choose Colour | eBay

If any one would please chime in with opinions and/or tips I would love it so much because I am lost on how I am going to make this dream of mine a reality. Any ideas on how I can better her skin, do her make up, where to buy things etc let me know!!



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You're getting there. Hang on! :)

The size of the head piece you cut off shouldn't be a problem as it will all be covered with the wig. Once you're ready to reattach the cut off section I would use a hot glue gun and hot glue (that's what I used). I also used this to glue the wig down. The wig I used was just from eBay (no idea which exact one). I didn't manage to find any suitable ones that had dark roots though. I did not have to modify it in any way to make it fit her head.

Can't really help you on the airbrush as I've never used one. I painted my Tiff using paintbrushes. It does sound like your paint is too thick though and will need thinned to get it to go through the airbrush.

In order to neaten up the eye holes you will need a rotary tool, such as a dremel. It COULD be neatened up just using a very sharp hobby knife very carefully, but a dremel will probably make a better job of it.

To attach the eyes into the head I positioned them and then used a LOT of blu-tac to hod them in place. I do this for all my busts and I've never had any of the eyes fall out in all the years that I've had them on display.

For her makeup, you just need to find the right colours of paints and brush them on. Lips should be easy enough with a small brush and a steady hand. The eyeshadow is a bit more tricky using just brushes, you just have to make sure that you thin out the edges of the painted area using either water of paint thinner (depending on the type of paint you use) to ensure a nice graduated blend. Of course, if you have access to an airbrush that could make life a lot simpler.

Good luck.
looking good! just keep at it, trial and error is the only way to go, and remember, if you mess up on the makeup, you CAN ALWAYS REPAINT IT!

if you dont have access to a dremel to smooth out the eyes, just get a brand new exacto blade and TAKE YOUR TIME. get some milliput and fix your mistakes with it if you end up cutting off more than you should. i used milliput to hold my chuckys eyes in, one fell out because the milliput didnt get a good seal on the smooth interior of the doll head, so the eye and all the milliput came off in one chunk, so i just roughed up the inside of the head with the exacto blade, and super glued it back in place, and that worked out just fine.
Im wondering if I should try a different method of painting her skin or if I should stick to what im doing. I have never used an airbrush before I started this project. I feel like painting her skin on with a brush would be hard because it would have to come out as a smooth layer if that makes since. But either the paint, the airbrush, or my lack of airbrushing skills is causing the trouble that I am having with her skin (the chipping off and smearing etc) I noticed that some of her imperfections on her skin came from her metal stand that she came with. I put her back in it since I stopped working on her for a while and it left marks on her arms and sides and I just feel like I have to be really careful with her (more careful than I think is necessary) so that her skin doesn't get messed up.
Also I have this girly product called a 'mini nail shaper' and its like a nail file and its electric and spins kind of like a dremel and im wondering if this nail shaper would be strong enough to smooth her eye holes. I can't get it to work because it takes 1 AA battery and I cant find any brand new AA batteries so I keep trying to use AA batteries that Im using in other things like remotes but its not working so it either needs a brand new battery or it could be broken but if it is strong enough to smooth out her eye then it would be a lot easier than trying to find access to a dremel.
the nail shaper might work, its worth a shot. i painted my chucky with a paint brush, but i only had the head to paint, and a lot of that is weathered with blood and stuff, BUT, i really didnt have much of a problem with brush strokes in the paint as i thought i would, once it dried, it leveled out pretty well..

make sure you clean the doll before you paint, and give it a quick once over with some really fine grit sandpaper, it might be coming off because it cant get a good bond on the smooth vinyl of the doll, from either grease from handling it, or just because its so smooth. so rough it up a little and that might help the paint stick
You guys are such a big help! You should check up on this thread to watch my progress and for when i need more help and advice. It probably going to be a long process, I dont even know when I will be starting up on her again, hopefully soon! Please and thank you!
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