John Wick: Chapter Two (Post-release)

Re: John Wick 2

DAMN! :facepalm

I thought it would be out in the fall.

The first was an instant action classic
Re: John Wick 2

John wick was a total surprise for me. i had very low expectations and didnt see it until 3 months after its release. Damn was i impressed with it. It did not take itself too seriously, it had an amazing cast, the pacing was awesome, the story was interesting and a fun take on an older trope, i recommend it to everyone. I cannot wait for the sequal because i feel like john wick has so much more he can do in the universe they established. It proves that great movies are still being made :)
Re: John Wick 2

Yeah, it was one of those movies I had never even heard of until I saw Adam Savage talking about it on Still Untitled. Soon after, it popped up on HBO and I caught it. I thought it was super great and couldn't stop talking about it to all my friends. I even got my 85 year old Father to watch it and he loved it.

I'm pumped for the next one!!
Re: John Wick 2

I had watched The Equalizer and was talking about it to someone, who casually mentioned John Wick is supposed to be better. He hadn't seen it though. Eventually caught it, not expecting much and ended up pushing it at anyone who would listen.

One of the top films of last year for me.

I worry that a part of the charm of the 1st was the discovery of who the character is, the fear his name instils in people. Now that we know him a good part of that could be lost. I really don't want it to become a generic action film, or end up like the Taken franchise.
Re: John Wick 2

One of my favorite movies of all time. Everything about it was good. I'm glad pretty much everyone from the first production is coming back for "Chapter 2"
Re: John Wick 2

slashfilm: John Wick Chapter Two looks bigger. Rome provides a more cinematically stylish look, cool gun-fu fueled action. Can I see it now? #cinemacon

colliderfrosty: JOHN WICK CHAPTER TWO sizzle reel just showed john using so many fight styles to kill people. I'm so in on this film.

colliderfrosty: Also looks like a lot of JOHN WICK 2 takes place in Rome. Thought it might have only been ending.

GermainLussier: Holy crap, John Wick Chapter Two is exactly what you want. More guns, more stunts, more fights, beautiful settings, the trailer looks so cool

djkevlar: Keanu Reeves shoots at least 12 people in the face in the 2-minute trailer for John Wick 2 alone. #CinemaCon
Re: John Wick: Chapter Two

I also liked the first one, didn't know crap about it, and was pleasantly surprised. looking forward to more "wick"edness!! :popcorn
Re: John Wick: Chapter Two

I confess I only just saw John Wick yesterday.

Until John Wick I've always considered Keanu Reeves as just another generic prettyboy Hollywood action hero. Matrix movies, Speed etc. were good movies but it had more to do with the writing and execution than his credible skill set as an action hero or his acting ability. There was never anything exceptional about the way he moved or fought.

But something happened between those films and John Wick. In this movie he moves with more authority. He's had training - lots of training. He's even got more subtle gravity to his presence without overplaying it. Speed and Matrix were superb movies with a generic action star Keanu. John Wick is an OK movie but with a badass Keanu.

I'm totally looking forward to John Wick 2.
Re: John Wick: Chapter Two

Taran Butler is what happened to Keanu. His training has made some actors look more badass than they ever have before.
Re: John Wick: Chapter Two

News from the Future Today - John Wick chapter 18 - John Wickedest, Greenlit by Hollywood. Synopsis, when John's beloved Pet Wombat is Taken and turned into an Hors Devoures for the North Korean Consulate's Kim Jong Un Birthday Celebration, all bets are off as John seeks bloody vengeance.
Re: John Wick: Chapter Two

News from the Future Today - John Wick chapter 18 - John Wickedest, Greenlit by Hollywood. Synopsis, when John's beloved Pet Wombat is Taken and turned into an Hors Devoures for the North Korean Consulate's Kim Jong Un Birthday Celebration, all bets are off as John seeks bloody vengeance.


Re: John Wick: Chapter Two


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