Star Wars DH17, E11, DL44, DC15 & EE3 Blaster Toy Mods just for fun

Country Paul

Sr Member
I came in to work the other day to find a big box on my desk, one of the Nurses had been clearing out some of their children’s old toys & thought I may like them.

Amongst other things inside were a Hasbro E11 stormtrooper Blaster, a Hasbro EE3 Boba Fett Blaster, Rubies DC15 Blaster & a Nerf Maverick in all their child & gun law friendly Technicolor glory,

Even if I wasn’t up to doing much in the way of mods at the very least I thought could give them all a coat of paint & hopefully improve their looks a bit. My model making/painting skills leave a little bit to be desired but they were free & I had a week off work to play about with these & not a lot to lose.

I went on eBay & ordered the Doopydoos Resin skin kit for the stormtrooper blaster, I’ve seen a few of these used & I think they look pretty good.
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Re: Star Wars E11, DC15 & EE3 Blaster Toy Mods just for fun

I rubbed them down to take off the writing etc. & did my best to fill in the numerous screw holes, I gave them all a couple of coats of primer followed by a couple of coats of Black
Re: Star Wars E11, DC15 & EE3 Blaster Toy Mods just for fun

Rubies DC15 Clone Trooper Blaster:

Started with the Rubies Animated Clone DC15 Blaster, to me it was the worst of the bunch, small, really cheap soft plastic, not a lot of details, figured I’d learn on this one.

I primed it White because it was what I had (should have used Grey, lesson learned). Gave it a couple of coats of Matt Black followed by a couple of Gloss Black, learned a couple of things from this, very cheap spray paint doesn’t go very far & I don’t like a gloss finish,

Once dried I rubbed down as much of the Gloss as I could to try & get a more worn look, then tried weathering with a some silver, think I may have overdone it a bit, was my first attempt & I was trying to bring the details out, I’m reasonably happy with it, maybe should have done something with the barrel end as it’s just a speaker could have done with a proper barrel tip.
Re: Star Wars E11, DC15 & EE3 Blaster Toy Mods just for fun

Hasbro E11 Blaster with Doopydoos Resin kit

I’ve always wanted a Stormtrooper blaster since I was a kid, this might be as close as I get for now, I was quite impressed by the size of this toy next to the others seemed a lot more “man sized”,

I’d ordered the add on resin kit parts from Doopydoos which were great, the detail in them was nice (did notice that they’d changed the spelling on things, Stirling, Hengstler etc.??) gave them a good wash in soapy water & trimmed off any flash they all fitted onto the blaster perfectly.

I had to saw off the Orange Barrel tip & the front of the scope (carefully so I didn’t cut off the Led in the barrel) Almost everything glued on easily, the only part that was a bit more difficult was the folding stock it took a bit of trimming to get it to line up.

I realise now that I may have pushed the magazine in a bit far & probably should have put the T-track further back on the right side & taken off the little rounded part on the left, oh well to late now & I think I can live with it.

I a few coats of primer followed by a few coats of Satin Black (much prefer this finish to the matt/Gloss I used on the clone blaster), wasn’t sure if I was going to do any weathering on this but I felt it just looked a little flat so I went for some light weathering, just some silver on the main body & Brass on the scope (not sure if that’s accurate but I liked the idea).

Not sure how I feel about the sight decal

Quite happy with it, not too bad for a kids toy I was given for nothing
Re: Star Wars E11, DC15 & EE3 Blaster Toy Mods just for fun

Hasbro EE3 Boba Fett Blaster

I love the Hasbro Boba Fett blaster, I even like the light up barrel & blaster sounds, obviously it’s a bit undersized but then so are the other 2 so I guess it doesn’t matter & I wont be trooping them or anything.

Basically just painted this one no mods, quick rub done, screw holes filled, couple of coats of grey primer, couple of coats of Satin Black & some weathering,

Not trying to go for a screen accurate paint job if anything I originally wanted a slightly cleaner version than the film one. But then I decided it looked too clean (turning into a thing with me). I had a go at it with some sandpaper to rough it up a bit & then used some matt brown splashed about to dirty it up a bit, followed this with a bit of silver weathering, hopefully I’ve got it looking suitably beat up.
Re: Star Wars E11, DC15 & EE3 Blaster Toy Mods just for fun

Excellent job on the blasters. I need to get myself a doopydoos kit for my Hasbro E-11
Re: Star Wars E11, DC15 & EE3 Blaster Toy Mods just for fun

They all look great. Esp. the E-11. The brass weathering on the scopes really do the trick.:love
Re: Star Wars E11, DC15 & EE3 Blaster Toy Mods just for fun

Thanks for your comments they're appreciated, I had fun doing these & apart from the Doopydoos kit & the paint they didn't cost me anything so all good :lol

I've been pretty impressed with the Doopydoos kits I've used (the E11 skin, Han's ANH DL44 & the Radica/Electrobinoculars kit) they've all been spot on & not too expensive.

finally finished the Nerf gun,

Hasbro Nerf Maverick

not Star Wars & not a prop I know but I liked the size of this with its big rotating chambers, just thought I'd mess about with this one

Rubbed down the writing etc, & filled the screw holes, decided to play about with a few little additions just for fun, couple of knobs/greeblies & a scratch built sight, didn’t have much laying around to work with so the sight mount is a toy cannon, the sight itself is a pritt stick tube, the knobs on the left are from the inside of a pritt stick & the parts on the right side & front are the bits I cut off the Hasbro E11! I also glued the barrel from the toy cannon & a little torch onto the right side, why not eh :lol

Primed & painted it same as the others & then just gave it some weathering, I say some, may have gone a bit overboard,

To be honest after a week or so of painting 5 blasters, binoculars & a clone helmet one after another I kind of ran out of steam & patience with it & finished it in a bit of a rush,

so in the end it was finished up in a bit of a hurry, I only include it here for fun
Re: Star Wars E11, DC15 & EE3 Blaster Toy Mods just for fun

attempt at a kind of Leia-ish Blaster

Got bored the other day with nothing to build so I went up in the loft to see what I could take apart & play about with.

found a sort of nerf style foam dart gun & something that looked a bit like a flash hider, actually an attachment for a paint roller I think.

stuck it's parts back together with a couple of engine parts from an arc fighter & painted it up,

was going for a kind of Leia-ish style blaster not groundbreaking but was fun putting together.
Re: Star Wars E11, DC15 & EE3 Blaster Toy Mods just for fun

The stormtrooper and fett blasters are my favorite. Great job on those.
Re: Star Wars E11, DC15 & EE3 Blaster Toy Mods just for fun

Rubies Han Solo DL44

I know everyones done one of these but here's mine :lol

not much else to say, did this very quickly over a weekend,

no mods except filling some screw holes & pretty much the same paint scheme as my Resin Blaster.

very impressed with it as a toy, size is pretty much spot on 1.1 scale
Re: Star Wars E11, DL44, DC15 & EE3 Blaster Toy Mods just for fun

Very nice! I wish someone would give me a box of blasters!! :lol

You did a great job. I like the Stormtrooper blaster myself. I had never heard of Doopydoo but I now have their webpage bookmarked for future blaster mod's. Thanks and Nice Job! (y)thumbsup:thumbsup
Re: Star Wars E11, DL44, DC15 & EE3 Blaster Toy Mods just for fun

Your weathering is especially nice. I've saved your E-11 and DL-44 pics for future reference. :thumbsup
Re: Star Wars E11, DL44, DC15 & EE3 Blaster Toy Mods just for fun

Thanks for your comments they're appreciated,

I've been very lucky in that there seemed to be a bit of a rush to offload everybody's kids star wars toys onto me at work & I wasn't complaining :lol

Should probably slow up on the blasters now I seem to have been doing them constantly for weeks & they're all just ending up put away,

But I've still got a bunch of guns to go at mostly airsoft including a full size thompson that screams "make me into a pulse rifle" maybe one day :lol

I seem to enjoy the weathering, problem is I can't seem to leave anything clean, even when I want to, I use so much silver paint :)

Doopydoos kits are great & they're really helpful, I have 3 of their DL44's working on the ROTJ at the moment
Re: Star Wars E11, DL44, DC15 & EE3 Blaster Toy Mods just for fun

Ok so it's a year since I last posted on this thread

I got a Hasbro DH17 Blaster cheap from Amazon because the box was bashed

I know that it's undersized & I know that the details aren't 100% but I was really impressed with what a nice toy it is,

didn't do much in the way of mods, cut off the pull part at the back & added a home made d-ring, then just filled as many holes & seams as I could, try as I might I couldn't get the clear part off the scope so I had to mask & paint round it

basically just a paint job :)


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Re: Star Wars E11, DL44, DC15 & EE3 Blaster Toy Mods just for fun

Primed it with grey auto primer & then undercoated in metallic silver & the sprayed satin black with gloss on the grip


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Re: Star Wars E11, DL44, DC15 & EE3 Blaster Toy Mods just for fun

Just did some fairly light (for me) weathering with a small file & sandpaper

not exactly going to set the prop world alight but I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out, like I said for a toy I think its great

Not my best pictures I'm afraid (no natural light & an iphone)

doesn't look too awful amongst my other blasters :)


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I picked up one of these huge DC15A Blaster rifles from eBay

I really like it nice fun toy

gave it a quick weathered paint job & I'm pretty happy with it, just cant believe how big it is for a kids toy :lol


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