Gravity (Post-release)


Master Member
Gravity movie discussion with spoilers.

Alfonso Cuaron's GRAVITY Set for Release on October 4, 2013 | Collider
Gravity, another one of my most anticipated movies of 2013 finally gets a confirmed release date, that too it's on my birthday. Hopefully I won't have to wait too long for its release here.

Release Date: October 4, 2013.

Synopsis: A medical engineer and an astronaut work together to survive after an accident leaves them adrift in space.

Director: Alfonso Cuaron
Writers: Alfonso Cuaron, Jonas Cuaron
Cast: Sandra Bullock, George Clooney, Ed Harris.

IMDB: Gravity (2013) - IMDb

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Re: Gravity

I am excited to know that Gravity directed by Alfonso Cuaron (Children of Men) will have its trailer released in few days.
Re: Gravity

EricVespe: The Gravity footage gave me anxiety. Super intense, one long take that goes from casual conversation to disaster in about 3 minutes.

EricVespe : I'm so crazy excited for Gravity. God**** that looked good.

devincf : Holy ****ing ****. Extended GRAVITY sequence is one of the most extraordinary things I've ever seen at #SDCC. Beyond tense and terrifying.

adamchitwood: GRAVITY footage unlike anything I've ever seen. Genuinely feels like you're in space with very long takes. Nearly had a panic attack. #SDCC
Re: Gravity

Same here, can't wait to see it in theaters !!! (Children of Men is already one of my all time favorites anyhow)

BTW this pic surfaced a few days ago... Did you noticed (aside from Sandra Bullock) the little Vitruvian Man drawing pinned on the wall in the background ?


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Re: Gravity

Gravity - "Detached" - YouTube
One continuous shot and the movie has such longer shots lasting from 6 to 10 minutes, including a 17 minutes opening shot. Incredible. BTW the Comic-Con footage started little earlier than this clip before the intense sequence began and had little more build up.

Alfonso Cuaron?s GRAVITY Filled with Long Shots; Unbroken 17-Minute Opening Confirmed | Collider
From last year.

"Gravity only has 156 shots in its two-hour runtime, and many of the shots run “six, eight, 10 minutes long."

"Of course, it’s possible some of these shots don’t involve much camera movement. I would be shocked if every long take required the same amount of insane planning and precision as the climax of Children of Men. There could be a scene like the 16-minute continuous take of the conversation between Michael Fassbender and Liam Cunningham‘s characters in Steve McQueen‘s Hunger. Nevertheless, scenes like those present their own challenges since the cast and crew have to keep the tension, and audiences are accustomed to short takes and dynamic camera angles."

"DeFaria also mentioned that the film’s design and long-takes came from trying to reverse engineer a live-action movie from an animated picture’s freedom of movement:"

“Instead of trying to create real people and what they’re doing, let’s turn it around and create almost an entirely animated film and then backwards engineer the people into that film,” he explained. “As a matter of fact, let’s not even engineer the people into the film, let’s engineer their faces. So you’ve got these little faces inside these little helmets. But there was a big hiccup that we came to I didn’t realize until later, which was that we began building it as an animated film and Alfonso had an idea that he wanted the shots to be incredibly long, and I said, ‘How long?’ And he said he wanted the first shot to be really long. And I said, ‘You mean, 40 seconds?’ ‘No, 17 minutes.’ "
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Re: Gravity

:eek Talk about vertigo!

This has to be the biggest 3d focused film so far. Looks amazing.
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Re: Gravity

Early Buzz: Alfonso Cuarón's 'Gravity' Stuns Critics at Venice | /Film

Early 'Gravity' Reviews Praise Alfonso Cuaron With Dropped Jaws

More review excerpts in the above pages.

I have to see Gravity on IMAX, even if it means I have to travel to another city to do it.

"Overall, the consensus among critics seems to be that Gravity is a visual masterpiece, with stunning camerawork from Emmanuel Lubezki that begs to be seen in 3D on the biggest screen possible. The leads are also drawing compliments; Bullock in particular is said to be do some of the best work of her career here as scientist Ryan Stone."

"As scripted by Cuaron and his son Jonas, this tale of one woman’s grim expedition into the unknown is a nerve-shredding suspenser, a daring study in extreme isolation, and one of the most sophisticated and enveloping visions of space travel yet realized onscreen. It falls among that increasingly rare breed of popular entertainments capable of prompting genuine “How did they do that?” reactions from even the most jaded viewers, even as its central premise is so simple and immediately gripping that one might just as readily ask, “Why didn’t anyone do it sooner?” "
Re: Gravity

Sorry, but this film doesn't appeal to me. The concpet sounds interesting, but I can't tell what type of movie it will be. As far as I can tell, it's not sci-fi.
Re: Gravity

Sorry, but this film doesn't appeal to me. The concpet sounds interesting, but I can't tell what type of movie it will be. As far as I can tell, it's not sci-fi.

the idea of watching Sandra Bullock floating in the vacuum of space for 2 hours just isn't appealing to me...
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