2001 USA Space Nuke

Lee S

Sr Member
One of the miniatures I've wanted to recreate for some years is one of the 'bombs' as seen in 2001. Specifically the US one that is the first one seen.
I picked up 2 very good pictures of the miniature a few years ago and made decent scans of them. They show the details well. Knowing that many of the miniatures were huge I feared this might be too. So far I've only nailed down one part and then from the Revell Gemini, an old favorite used so much again on Space 1999. I'm fairly sure it's the larger 1/24th version, but that's not locked. There also appears to be the 'dish' from a Lindberg Moon/Lunar lander/ship.

Here's the two pictures I have (you can zoom in a fair amount):




The Gemini part can be seen on the front of the rear section in the second picture. This should make it a very do-able 2foot long piece once made.

Does anyone spot anything else? I'm mainly interested in the 'S9' decal, and the kit parts used for the details at the very front.
hmmm .. seems like there is a Commanders Cuppola Ring on the neck of the "tower" .. but can't see which one

I'll see if I have some better pics in some of my 2001 books
Just checked "Filming the future" and "The Stanley Kubrick Archieves". Nothing usefull there. Perhaps there is something of use on CC's forum
Wasn't there a book about the models of 2001 at one of the WonderFests a few years ago? I remember going to the lecture, but the book was too expensive for my casual interest. I say casual interest, but I meant in a replica modeling sense...
The "59" decal looks more like "S9" to me.
They might be Letraset rub on lettering for architectural drafting use. Not as easy to come by these days as they were back in the 60's and 70's.
You're probably thinking of Adam Johnson's book 2001: The Lost Science by Adam Johnson with text by Frederick Ordway III
The EXPENSIVE one just came out: The Making of Stanley Kubrick’s '2oo1: A Space Odyssey'. TASCHEN Books (Collector's Edition)

Wasn't there a book about the models of 2001 at one of the WonderFests a few years ago? I remember going to the lecture, but the book was too expensive for my casual interest. I say casual interest, but I meant in a replica modeling sense...
The kit part on the nose is a window from the Faller apt. building kit. It is out of production. I'll see if I can find the number. If not I have castings of it
Thanks George!
Do you have a scan of the kit parts?
I'm looking over old Faller buildings and it could be B-905, but there are so many of them from Faller it's hard to know :)
Thanks George!
Do you have a scan of the kit parts?
I'm looking over old Faller buildings and it could be B-905, but there are so many of them from Faller it's hard to know :)

Hi Lee,

Yes, it's the B-905.
You also might want to check out the Airfix Bloodhound missile for the chassis on the top there...



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Thanks Keith!!
I knew that piece was familiar :) Just having two confirmed pieces does now mean I can make a 3D model of the 'bomb', before moving to a build.

I've a feeling that the conical component may be an EMA light fixture which I remember using when I was an apprentice modelmaker back in the mid 70's.
I copied the page from my ancient catalogue as it doesn’t appear in the current one and it isn't on the UK website either.
Apart from the Gemini part you've already spotted Lee I don't recognise anything else - sorry!

I did wonder if that piece was the Plastruct/EMA part. I have some here, but they are the larger ones. I need to order up some more once I figure out the size it should be.
Hopefully I'll have the time to build a basic 3D model very soon. That should help ID some of the other parts.

- - - Updated - - -

Anyone have a Faller B905 they can take some pics/measurements of?
Anyone have a Faller B905 building or LifeLike 1/40th Honest John with parts they can sell/spare/trade?
I need some window frames from the Faller and just a couple of parts from the HJ
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