SyFy channel 'rebooting"?

Going to try and not be a total buzzkill about this, but man, it's such a sore spot for me. SciFi was my go-to channel in my teens, schlocky movie marathons on friday's and wednesday's, late night re-runs of Stargate, The Outer Limits, X-Files, the thanksgiving MST3K marathon, BSG (of course), the commercial bumps and station ID's, loved all of it. Then SyFy happened.

I mean, I like the recent push to get back to quality original shows. Really. The Expanse has turned out great and I enjoyed Killjoys too. I just can't take them seriously when the current channel design looks like it belongs on a lifetime network that seems incredibly out of touch with its audience, and whoever thought it was a good idea to put Wrestling on there (????) is a real genius. Now instead of Wresling (which I think they lost the rights to) they have European Football instead. WTF are they thinking.

I genuinely hope this rebranding effort goes well. Hell put some of those older shows back into rotation. When was the last time they ran BSG? You're telling me nobody wants to watch that stuff anymore? The BBC America channel runs repeats of TNG and it seems to work out great, that kind of programming should be on the SciFi channel.
Gah! How quickly I had forgotten. I love Comet, especially some of the rarely scene classic B movies of old. They even have Johnny Socko!

I'm still mad at them for moving Poltergeist: The Legacy off of Monday nights and put them on weekdays at 1pm. I'm at work then, dangit!
The first thing I ever watched on Sci-Fi in the 90's was their Pilot Playouse marathon. I was hooked on Trailer Park and used to record the Chase Masterson news show to show my friends what was going on. Good days of coming home after school every day to watch the Six Million Dollar Man and Bioic Woman back to back like they were new shows. I miss it.
Well, step 1 should be, ditch wrestling.

Hopefully all the damage she-who-shall-not-be-named did can be undone. She's currently destroying USA. I used to watch 6-7 shows a week on USA pre-her. Now. 1. Suits is the only thing left. Nothing else fun is left, she killed them all off.
I'm not holding my breath, its still run by the same people. When Warehouse 13 and Eureka ended and were not replaced with anything worth a crap I gave up. Its just some serious junk coming out of that place. I'll watch a Faceoff episode here and there but that's about it. I really hope they bring back the channel I use to love.
Ditto on the!?

I started watching that when I moved out of my parents house. I remember BSG, Buck Rogers, Manimal, Space 1999...and lots of other fun shows.

I miss the holiday "Chain Reaction" marathons. Last one I recall was in 2000. Original BSG during christmas and Star Trek TOS during new years.

I don't care for the new logo, but if they ditch the sports (plenty of that elsewhere, whomever runs syfy) and get back to sci-fi in general that
would be welcome.

And for cryin out loud, air the newer BSG too! why the heck is it hulu exclusive?!?
I'm not holding my breath, its still run by the same people. When Warehouse 13 and Eureka ended and were not replaced with anything worth a crap I gave up. Its just some serious junk coming out of that place. I'll watch a Faceoff episode here and there but that's about it. I really hope they bring back the channel I use to love.

'She' was the one that killed those off and added wrestling. She's since moved on to USA where anything remotely fun was killed in short order.
I love that a new show with a "perky, blue winged horse" is part of the new branding. Because that's exactly what we have been asking for. Perky flying horses.
The only times I've watched SyFy since the SciFi Battlestar Galactica days are for the Twilight Zone New Years marathon and the 12 Monkeys series in the last couple of years

It used to be one of my go to channels back before the first rebranding.
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