Limitless NZT Prop. What bag is this?!


New Member
For about three years now, I've been off and on about making the Limitless NZT pills and if I do, it would be my first successful prop. The reason why I've chosen these is because I want to make a prop that could be functional in a way and I thought that making pills that you safely consume would be pretty cool. Anyways, now I've finally found a way to make them that might work, but I want to go a little further with it when I do make them. I want to try and make enough of the pills to fill the bag that Eddie found in the oven. There's one problem, I can't find the stupid bag and I was hoping somebody else did and could point me in the direction of buying one. If you're curious on how I plant to make the pills, I can take pictures of my tools and post them here.

Here are some of the only pictures I could find of the bag. Pls help, I wanna get this made.
I had a look but can't find the exact one but looks like one of the after market waterproof bags for phones / tablets.
I currently don't have the pills made but I should have what I need by Friday to finally get things going. Otherwise, here's the plan:

First I need something edible to make the pills out of. Here's what I plan on using:


The first pic is isomalt which is to be melted down and made into pills. The second pic is of clear mints that I found and they're British mints so they will take a while to get to me but they will also be melted down. I have two different ones because I don't know which would work better but also because of the downfalls of either one. Some people might like mint so they wouldn't want isomalt, plus isomalt is a sugar substitute and is only supposed to be consumed in small amounts or else your stomach will start to hurt. But, someone might be allergic to mint or maybe they just don't like mint or something to then there is isomalt.

Next, I need something to pour them into to make the shape of the pill. Now this was tricky, I don't know how, nor do I have the materials necessary, to make molds. So instead I have to improvise. So here's what I did:
I found these things at Home Depot

And in the same area, I also found a few of these plastic things but I'm not sure what they're called



Now with the black circles, they had a metal thing in them which I took out, it took a little bit of cutting though

Next was the hardest part which could take up to an hour to do, I had to take the plastic circles and try to put it where the metal circle was. I had to do a little more cutting but I didn't want to cut too much or else that would be nothing at the bottom to hold them in place

There might be easier ways of doing it like cutting the clear circle into a different shape to make it go in easier.
I already have three made. Here is the bottom of them:

And the top:

The final step would be to thoroughly clean the makeshift molds and pour the mint and isomalt into the top and let it harden then take them out and repeat until I'm out of the mint and isomalt.

Now here's the sucky thing, because it's so difficult to make the "molds" and would take forever to make a lot of them, it's going to take a long time to cast all of the pills, but I hope it will be worth it when I'm done :)

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search term : "Waterproof bag for iPad mini 1,2,3,4, Samsung, Lenovo and other 8.5 inch tablets"

This is on eBay at $7.99 with free shipping. It's the closest I could find. It's pretty Large.
Alrighty, I finally managed to make two pills. Now they aren't perfect because some of the isomalt would move under the sides of the "mold" and harden with a little extra edge coming out the bottom. Also, if you fill it to the top, then the pills are too tall so you gotta do it a little lower. Something else that may prove to be a problem is the pills itself being a little bit sticky, causing it to stick to your fingers when handling it, but I'm hoping that when I get the mints, they won't stick as much. There's also the worry that it might cause you to choke when trying to swallow it but maybe your saliva will prevent that.

And now, without further ado, the pills:


Now all that's left is the bag I'm looking for and a few hundred pills :)

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