dredd 3d near complete ,first pull

Axis Replicas

Active Member
image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgworking on Karl Urbans dredd helmet for a while now,near complete iem quite happy with it .The re is close just the flash on camera gave it a shine.Just got to sort the badge and visor.

These are new pictures in photobucket.

frantic13's's Library | Photobucket


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Re: dredd 3d scratch build

I cant be sure, but......unless there is some lens distortion, it looks like your lid might be a touch too tall. Part of that may be that it also is not quite deep enough from front to back. You may want to compare a few pictures elsewhere. Panaus Props proportions are pretty good, if you check pics on their site. Also, the "mohawk" should be just slightly curved at the top of the badge. That curve should match the curve of the top horizontal badge bar that you don't yet have drawn onto the badge. You've done well so far, I just would hate to see you go much farther without the ability to get it to the right look. The first thing to do is check your height, because, at this stage, it is an easier fix than the front to back dimension. Again, I can only tell so much from the pictures. I may be wrong....maybe others could offer an opinion as well. Just trying to save you more work or regret at paint up time.:)
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