Looking for Wolverine Claws. What should I look for?


Well-Known Member
As the title says guys. I am looking for some wolverine claws. What should I look for? What details to I need to check, dimensions or curve of the blades things of that nature?

Any info would be great. I have seen a few on evil bay but I am not sure what to look for. Are the sideshow claws a good reference to go by?
I have the Museum Replica ones offer by Sideshow. Nice Display though I don't know how accurate they are to the movie, it says they used the prop. As far as using them for a costume, it won't work unless you have gigantic hands since the wire and palmgrip don't properly form to the hands unlike the resin set I have (the wire attaches through the base on the resin, the back end on the metal display, so they can't press flush to the knuckles.)
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