Bradicus 1:350th TOS Build (possible clear frost tip also)


New Member
Hey all, just starting my first TOS and decided to start by frosting my bussard domes and spinners. I used a Husky siphon handle from home depot (pictured below) which you can get a newer version of for around $15 or so, mine is pretty old and not even sure how I ended up with it lol, but home depot has a red one that should work the same. I hooked it up to a compressor at around 80 psi and stuck the siphon tube into a big bag of Arm & Hammer baking soda as an abrasive. I taped up the outside of the domes to only frost the inside but I frosted both in and outside of the spinners.

Hope this method for frosting helps someone out! Acckk!...just realized the spinner has a cat hair stuck to it...damn cats! Anyway, don't mistake the hair for a blemish in the finish, its a very nice even frost!

I'll continue posting progress as I go!

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