Star Trek TNG Combadges


Active Member
I recently had a go at creating my own combadge from TNG. These are by no means screen accurate, but what they lack in accuracy is made up in ease of construction, I think. I created outlines to be cut by laser cutter at Ponoko. I got it cut in bamboo, which is a little more expensive than getting it cut in acrylic, but I thought it might actually look nice with a wood finish.

I got enough printed for 10 copies, so I might paint some of the other ones. What do you guys think?

Also, I'm wondering how I should create a fastener. Should I attach some kind of pin on the back, or should I try sticking some magnets in the back to make it a little more authentic? Anyways, thanks for reading!
... Also, I'm wondering how I should create a fastener. Should I attach some kind of pin on the back, or should I try sticking some magnets in the back to make it a little more authentic? ...

If you want to be authentic, you should use velcro. But don't accuse ME, if you lose the badge when wearing. :lol

Here are pics of the original badge:




  • star_trek_next_gen_1.jpg
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  • star_trek_next_gen_2.jpg
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You know, not 2 minutes after I posted this, I realized I glued it together the wrong way! :facepalm The pointer is totally facing the wrong way. Thanks for the screen used pictures though! I didn't actually know that they used velcro, but now that I think of it, I don't know why I thought it would be anything else. :)
Velcro, the magic fastener of the future, good for combadges, phasers, communicators, and anything else you can think of! :lol
God..I got several of those thingies all off originals....some from episodes I never even saw... as they Look different. I like how you made yours, you should make some of the other versions. Let me know if you need a pic.

That was my one gribe with TNG. They dumped the communicator.
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