Classic Tardis Console room for 5 inch figures


Well-Known Member
With Doctor Who being so popular at the moment we have what all us fans have wanted for 50 years, an abundance of toys, figures and what nots! With each new Doctor comes a new Tardis interior. I'm sure somewhere down the track is a Classic Tardis interior (should have done it for the 50th guys!) but for now I'm going to make my own.
tardis console bp.jpg
I have decided to start with Console MkII as it was revamped for the later Doctor with just new pannels.

Problem 1. Not a big problem, but I'm a man of action, not a man of maths! So, I created a scale version of the console and then stuck a scale box, the same height as Jon Pertwee, next to it. tardis console scale.jpg
After several photocopies I had a console that was the correct size for the action figure. I think...?
I've started with the base and then built up some quadrants and attached them all together.
2014-01-22 10.08.58.jpg

With some detail added, 2014-01-22 10.09.06.jpg

Now it's time to vac form the base. (Anyone who knows me also knows that I am impatient and always jump further a head than I should).
2014-01-22 15.22.32.jpg
That is great. They really should have a console room somewhere. your looks cool.
What are you going to use for dials, buttons and screens? Will it light up or have any moving parts?
I'm planning on adding some dials and bits and pieces and then taking a mould of the whole thing. Then, using it to create a reverse vac form so all the details are on the top. Lights? YES!!! Moving parts? I hope so!
2014-02-06 16.20.06.jpgBeen working on the walls. Vac formed plastic. Sorry the picture is upside down!! And here's a couple of walls put together. This is the vegemite Tardis interior. You either love it of hate it.

2014-02-09 13.36.51.jpg
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Heres the door. I will have a go at vac forming it later today. I think I will have to make the door frame wider to accomodate the plastic thickness.


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Tried the first pull of the console. Came out a lot better than I thought.

vac formed console 2.jpgvac formed console#.jpgThe panels are just the bases for all the buttons. Now comes the detailing.


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I think I'm going to make a Three line wall and a two line wall. Here is a pic of the two line. As another test I put the roundels in the vac form instaed of sticking them on afterwards. Might work?


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I'm very happy with the tardis interior walls. I still need to work on the viewing screen and the "other door". But I'm back with the console now. I've been working on the base. It is proving to be a bit of a devil because it can't be vac formed easily. I've gone with sticking bits together. It's a good result but very time consuming. It would be easy on a lazer cutter.
2014-02-25 15.01.15.jpg
Hi Tildane,

Did you ever finish making this piece or is it still an WIP -- I like what you have done so far and I am curious to see the final room --


Love the work you have put into this so far. Are you going to make the pieces available eventually? I would love to make an interior of the TARDIS playset for my Classic Doctors!
Tildane that is fantastic! I too am impatient especially in waiting for CO or UT to commission a Classic Console (and hopefully goes without saying in 5" scanner scale since the Classics are 5" - but stranger and more frustrating things have occurred!). So the obvious question: are you selling these and if so how much? And if so, will you have painted as well as untainted for those who enjoy taking the dive into customizing but don't have the vac form capabilities (I am envious sir of your abilities - both in work room tools but inherent skill even more!). :)
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