Rogue One Stormtrooper Differences

Can't we like both the wonky OT asymmetrical troopers with painted on things that are supposed to look from a distance like they might do something AND the cleaned up symmetrical troopers with things that are molded to appear to be actually working features? I personally would love to have both a nice bumpy RS ANH helmet and a perfect, smooth, straight lined Rogue One helmet on my shelf.
The ears do seem to be quite different. In addition, the area under the tears seems quite bulbous as the line leads towards the mouth.
My two credits.
To me its mainly the eyes that look off and the mouth grille.

OldKen I am pretty sure that the OT suits would hold up in the movie since there is absolutely not time for anyone in the audience to notice asymmetry and wonkiness on a moving and dirtied up object that you cant take in for maybe more than two seconds on screen. We wont have full frontal shots six feet away from the object in a well lit environment, we wont be able to do onscreen comparisons while sitting in the movie theater. And I think that the troopers in R1 may actually work. Because I guess a lot of us had expected to see Anovos suits on screen.

I own a 350 UsD Anovos suit that may look better than a screen accurate one. And now all of a sudden I am that 10y.o. cousin who has a suit that looks better than yours. I am hurt, man, HURT!!!

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You guys are comparing something that was made for a film using old skool techniques vs modern techniques and technology that wasnt available in anyones wildest dreams when the original was created. Old skool is how it was done and a dying art within the film industry. Hand sculpting is always organic where machine created parts are cold and sterile in comparison. There is an old tale about the original RoboCop suit creation. There were many attempts at the helmet itself yet they all come off organic vs a machined look so each sculpt was scraped and a new one started, again and again. If I recall correctly the final sculpt was simply cut into pieces then reassembled for the final sculpt just to get less organic lines.
Time frames play a huge part in a film production. Time vs money.
Total BS. Do you realize the film the originals were shot on?


Do you think OT Vader looks like crap? Could you tell it wasn't all black as a kid? Could you tell it was an asymetrical organic sculpt? Or did your eyes and brain see an all black mask and symmetrical helmet??????

Do you think ep3 Vader looks better?


Ok, I'll answer it. The ANH looks better, sure, but because of a few things that have nothing to do with the fact that it's asymmetrical. First, it's more attuned to the Star Wars aesthetic "used-future" look, having increased texture due to the hand-brushed panels. The satin sheen looks awesome, and the nicks here and there, c-scar, etc. really give it character. These things make it look REAL. Then you have the improved positioning of the dome, plus the sharp details as it's the first generation piece. These make it look AWESOME.

NONE of these logical reasons as to why it's arguably the best version has to do with the fact that it's asymmetrical. Our brains are indeed trained to expect variation of faces we see around us. Our brains are not programmed to expect/anticipate variation of military or life-support helmets.
Seems Hasbro will release a R1 Black Series Stormtrooper helmet

I wonder if the some of the design/proportion changes to the Rogue One helmets have anything to do with fit and comfort. I noticed in the announcement video that the presenters just pop the helmets on straight, and don't have to do that little sideways twist I often see with other ST helmets. I don't own a Stormtrooper helmet, so I don't know if this is always the case, but I've spent enough time here to be able to spot many of the little nuances between helmets, and know there's a trick to getting them on and off your noggin.

Could be that, at least for this product, they made a few adjustments to make it easier to get on and off, and possibly a bit more comfortable to wear and see out of.
I wonder if the some of the design/proportion changes to the Rogue One helmets have anything to do with fit and comfort. I noticed in the announcement video that the presenters just pop the helmets on straight, and don't have to do that little sideways twist I often see with other ST helmets. I don't own a Stormtrooper helmet, so I don't know if this is always the case, but I've spent enough time here to be able to spot many of the little nuances between helmets, and know there's a trick to getting them on and off your noggin.

Could be that, at least for this product, they made a few adjustments to make it easier to get on and off, and possibly a bit more comfortable to wear and see out of.

First thing I noticed when I got my Anovos First Order TK helmet, you don't have to twist and angle to get your head inside :D I think you're probably spot on here, that makes a lot of sense.
I have noticed since the first trailer for rogue one that the Stormtroopers looked a little different and I must admit the helmet isn't where I started, it was the breast plate and how it reminded me of the Jedi armour instead of the New Hope one. I sat pondering why why why????

Then I remembered here in the U.K. that Andrew Ainsworth won his case to the copyright of the original armour and helmet from A New Hope & Empire. I'm wondering if this is why they had to create something that looked similar but had subtle changes to avoid litigation?? Lucasfilm lost in the Supreme Court against Andrew and he continues to sell the armour here in the U.K. All the same I would have liked this new movie to look exactly like A New Hope. Since it was filmed here stands to reason they couldn't use original moulds etc.
I have noticed since the first trailer for rogue one that the Stormtroopers looked a little different and I must admit the helmet isn't where I started, it was the breast plate and how it reminded me of the Jedi armour instead of the New Hope one. I sat pondering why why why????

Then I remembered here in the U.K. that Andrew Ainsworth won his case to the copyright of the original armour and helmet from A New Hope & Empire. I'm wondering if this is why they had to create something that looked similar but had subtle changes to avoid litigation?? Lucasfilm lost in the Supreme Court against Andrew and he continues to sell the armour here in the U.K. All the same I would have liked this new movie to look exactly like A New Hope. Since it was filmed here stands to reason they couldn't use original moulds etc.
If I understood correctly, the court ruled Andrew could sell the suits because they are an industrial design. They didn't say he or anyone else has exclusive rights to the design.

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Yep, the ruling was "There is no copyright any more". He did not win, he just got out of it on a technicality.
Surely by definition of Andrew the "artist" if someone else were to recreate his work now for film he would be due either money or a mention? The original copyright lapsed. But nobody has used his deigns since except him. Using his exact design now without permission wouldn't they incurr a penalty?
I'm not sure anyone would want to use his designs since they don't seem to be entirely accurate to the ANH helmets/armor to begin with.
If it's between his designs that worked in 77 and what is in this new movie I'll take his every day of the week. All he did was change the materials used to make them and reinforced them where needed.
I was also fairly certain that the stormtrooper helmet was originally sculpted by Liz Moore and the armor by Brian Muir, and that Ainsworth just made copies of their work in order to have the few dozen Lucasfilm required. Unsure what if anything was his "design." I'm sure some expert will chime in though :)
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