my wookie


New Member
so what do you think ? i need to make the hair look wet and color the mask

My Woo-kiee brings Star Wars fans to the yard
My Woo-kiee is better than yours
My Woo-kiee is better than yours...

In all seriousness, though... good work. Looks frakking awesome. Keep up the good work.
the mouth does move a bit not much, its a rubies body with a custom made mask . i need help with a good bandoiler as well as a bowcaster.
You gotta PM me where/how you managed to do that mask. It's very cool.

We have a girl in the Rocky Mountain Fan Force who can make you a bandoleer for a very decent price (she made mine). She goes by CYodaRun (methinks). I'll see if I can find her email addy if you're interested.
Looks good, but the bandolier does sit too high or isn't long enough to drape where it should be. Once you have that fixed I think it'll be pretty snazzy.
thats a big wookie. if i didn't know better i would think your the reall deal or maybe the camra shoot makes you look larger then life. :D
Mow THAT is a Wookiee ...

Not that whimpy Chewbacca kind of Wookiee, but one of those really big warrior Wooks ... :thumbsup

He looks a little nekkid, though, and I´d suggest to rather get him some of that EP3 armor, than only a bandolier.

Just my two Euro-cents

That looks pretty neat. :)
Kinda hard to tell porportions from the pic, but it seems like I saw a mask like that not long ago on ebay cuz I nearly bid lol.
Actually, I am surprised more of these aren't showing up. The Rubies body suit seems to have potential for being a good affordable suit. I little nip here, tuck there..add some foam for body bulk...mod the devil out of the mask and it ought to turn out pretty decent.
Can't wait to see you troopin. Post more pics.
We need more wookiees out there...but be careful in the Pacific Northwest. You never know what you might attract at an outdoor event. :lol

So how tall are you in that costume??
Originally posted by R2B9@Feb 24 2006, 10:42 PM
We need more wookiees out there...but be careful in the Pacific Northwest. You never know what you  might attract at an outdoor event.  :lol

So how tall are you in that costume??


Man, you've done VERY well, you have an awesome looking wookiee :thumbsup

