megacon orlando 2017

I was going to go last year, but ended up not going. Might try to make it out, I just hate how hot it gets when their having it now.
I'm also only going on Saturday. Same story as Celebration: Gotta go home afterwards to walk the dog. My only costume will be my Spectrum backer tshirt. And I agree, I preferred when this was earlier in the year and two or three days. This four day crap just means I am less likely to see some of the panels I really want to go to. On the other hand, there are only so many times I can listen to different voice actors read the Back to the Future script and hear Jess Harnell tell us that William Shatner is his neighbor and William thinks he is Ozzy Osbourne.
What is everyone dressing as, that way I can keep an eye out? I will be in my Neo Reloaded costume most of the time, I will also be at both Moshi Parities...

The costumes I will be wearing this weekend, keep an I out for me, if you see me feel free to come up and say HI...Let me know your from the RPF...

I'll have a booth in the Featured Artist section.

shows how much I pay attention I had no idea you were based in Orlando, I will def have to swing by and say hello and thank you in person for my Rocketeer helmet, best thing in my collection !

We decided on only going Fri and Sun this year, we did the same last year, Megacon has gotten so huge that Saturdays are waaay to crazy and crowded. Not dressing up this year, too busy working on Dragon con stuff to have anything ready for Mega.
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