My Rogue One Special Forces Rebel Build(s)


Well-Known Member
So I'm actually doing three of these for myself and two kids so there are different parts and pieces for each build. I'm not done yet, but getting close to finishing mine.

Head to toe:

Soft Cap v1.0:
Turned out a bit more Hoth like, but for the kids it will work.




This one turned out a bit better:




Started with a BDU shirt base and modified

Adding knee padding to pants:


Gear Weathering:

Ration Kit:

Unknown objects in the Greek Thompson Magazine Pouches (anti-armor rocket rounds??)

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Great work so far!!! What are your references? I am having a hard time finding some good pictures of the various rebel soldiers :/
Great work so far!!! What are your references? I am having a hard time finding some good pictures of the various rebel soldiers :/
Unfortunately, I only got to see the movie once in the theater, so I've just gone off the Visual Dictionary by DK Books and various images from the net. I think I'm going to end up going for the Corporal Rostok:

Great work, and I'm digging the look! You've got some Scarif palms there in your backyard already ;)

This looks like it would make a great airsoft loadout, with proper ear and eye protection built in, as well as the flak vest. Could easily throw on a mesh scarf too for mouth protection like the Topps grenadier. It seems that people here on the RPF are finding the greeblies on the Rogue One blasters are airsoft bits and bobs, and the bases themselves were probably airsoft too.
Great work, and I'm digging the look! You've got some Scarif palms there in your backyard already ;)

This looks like it would make a great airsoft loadout, with proper ear and eye protection built in, as well as the flak vest. Could easily throw on a mesh scarf too for mouth protection like the Topps grenadier. It seems that people here on the RPF are finding the greeblies on the Rogue One blasters are airsoft bits and bobs, and the bases themselves were probably airsoft too.

Thanks! It came out pretty good I think. I used to play airsoft regularly...I just can't imagine doing a whole lot of running around in Storm/Shoretrooper armor though.
Two words: armor bites. And you can't see a thing in those helmets.

Plus airsoft will pit and dent ABS, so nobody wants to mess up their build that they've poured so much time, money, sweat, and blood into; it's a surprise you'd ever be able to find someone willing to get shot and fall over in a fanfilm at all. But cloth-based costumes are totally up for action. I have laser tagged in a Snowtrooper kit before and airsofted in most parts of my Rebel Fleet trooper. People say the Endor trooper outfit is actually legit camo at matches.
Great build! Or should I say builds!

Are the ear coms coms the same as the ones used on ESBs hoth scenes?

Lastly what hat did you use for the tops of the pvc pipes that fit into the magazine pouches? That looks pretty spot on
Great build! Or should I say builds!

Are the ear coms coms the same as the ones used on ESBs hoth scenes?

Lastly what hat did you use for the tops of the pvc pipes that fit into the magazine pouches? That looks pretty spot on

From what I can tell, the comm units look a bit different to me than the ESB scenes. I'll have to see if anyone can create closer version. I ended up having a smaller one made as the original version I had was deemed a bit too big:

I think it looks better in the smaller form:

For the tops of the pouch greeblies, I just just some type of plumbing reducers and then I took a domed top bolt and glued it in the top of the reducer. Not exact, but will do for now.
I really like they way both came out. I'll look into shapeways/thingsverse for the com unit and ask if printing at a smaller size is possible if you don't turn anything up.

and you're right, the smaller com does look better. I'll be heading to he hardware store later so thank you very much for the help, I appreciate it:)
A300 Blaster Progress:

Huge thanks to Psicorp7 for the 3d printed parts. His will be much nicer, but here's where I'm at with this:







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Looking Good! Don't forget to take the rest of the support material out of the rings in the barrel base. You can just pry them out with a small screwdriver. I had done one of the rings but not the rest. Keep it up! I really like the found items you used for the scope.
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