Immortan Joe Progress Log - 3d Models, W.I.P. photos, and Con Results!

Re: Immortan Joe Progress Log - Pretty much done! 3d Models and WIP photos.

I got the confirmation - I made it past the preliminary round of judging for the Eastern Championships of Cosplay and, with a bit more luck, I might get a chance to embarrass myself in-costume on the stage! I've never done this before, so I'm totally excited. With that in mind, I think I may just continue to post some of the pre-convention prep work that we're engaging in, since it's all part of the story.

Maria has decided she's going to accompany me as Capable, one of Immortan's harem, and bought herself a wig and some comically large goggles to get started down that path.

My prior experience at conventions has been that throughout the day, you don't want to get stuck carrying stuff. I usually drag along a backpack or something easy to stuff my loot in, but since we'll both be in costume that wasn't a great option. The solution I've managed, for now, is an old medicine/doctor's bag that I was able to grab off of eBay. It is hopefully evocative of the doctor bag that the wives receive during the movie, though obviously not an exact duplicate. Since it's a prop you only see in very short, quick bursts during the movie, I figure nobody will be able to call me on it.

We did have to deal with a bit of musty odor in the bag when it first arrived, so I threw it in a garbage bag with some baking soda for a few days which seems to have cleared most of it up. I purchased a cheap set of wheels off of Amazon and gave them a quick hit with some rust-colored spraypaint. I fully expect that the paint will come off over time, but that's fine - it'll just add to the 'weathering' of the bag. I used the chicago-style nuts I had leftover from the shoulder armor to have something to bolt the wheels into on the inside of the bag without taking up too much space.

Going to add a belt or strap to the area by the handle so that it can be easily rolled around the floor of the convention when and if it becomes too annoying to carry. To be honest, I'm considering how I might brand a big immortan joe logo on the side of it, too!

In the spirit of fairness, I felt like Maria might also enjoy having a prop to carry around the convention floor and pose with for photos, so I went ahead and printed her a sawed-off shotgun from this Thingiverse post. It's a fairly basic print and a straightforward model, but a nice little decorative prop that she should be able to stuff into the medicine bag if she gets bored with it.

Re: Immortan Joe Progress Log - Pretty much done! 3d Models and WIP photos.

Shotgun is pretty much finished. Far from perfect, but should be serviceable for convention fun.




Also added a pull strap to the medicine bag we put wheels on to make it a little easier to cart around the convention floor.



Last, but hardly least, I've got the sound setup fully implemented!

Going to be up on the stage at the con tomorrow night, so this should be a lot of fun!


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Re: Immortan Joe Progress Log - Pretty much done! 3d Models and WIP photos.

We're still in the post-convention daze, but I took the evening to edit together some of the footage from the Twitch live stream of the event.

We ended up placing second in our category, and we're unbelievably happy!


The convention was great, and the other competitors were all amazing. There was not a single person on that stage that Maria and I didn’t end up talking about later and saying that they should have also won.

I’ve contacted a bunch of the photographers we met with during the convention and they will hopefully be providing us with photos. However, I wanted to share at least a few, starting with a crazy good professional ones and a few we picked up off of Instagram the next day:


Photo by Steve Prue / Cosplay Culture Magazine.


Photo by Autumn Sharrar


Photo by Autumn Sharrar





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I finally decided to jump back on the gigahorse and finish my Joe build and thought I'd check in on everyone's progress. I just went through the remaining pages of your build Ein...
Utterly fantastic, your attention to detail and skill in pinning down the 3D models is mind blowing. I also appreciate how in depth each of your posts and pictures are.

You look perfect, and I hope you had a blast on the Con floor!


If you have time would you be able to post the files for the handy x-acto jig and the shoulder mounts for the air filter and connector?
I finally decided to jump back on the gigahorse and finish my Joe build and thought I'd check in on everyone's progress. I just went through the remaining pages of your build Ein...
Utterly fantastic, your attention to detail and skill in pinning down the 3D models is mind blowing. I also appreciate how in depth each of your posts and pictures are.

You look perfect, and I hope you had a blast on the Con floor!


If you have time would you be able to post the files for the handy x-acto jig and the shoulder mounts for the air filter and connector?

Thanks for the kind words. I'm actually working on this costume again over this weekend because I intend on bringing it with me to PAX East at the beginning of March. :)

A lot of the parts for the Immortan Joe stuff are mirrored here on my blog, but the jig and shoulder extensions are not. Let me see if I can dig those off my old PC - no promises, it has been a few months at this point.
I found and added the shoulder mount parts to the page listed above, but I think I've lost the x-acto jig to the sands of time. It should be easy enough to reproduce, though, and the odds of your knife and mine being the same diameter are not 100%.
Thanks so much Ein for uploading the shoulder extensions!

Yeah, I should be able to rig something up easily for the blade jig, thank you for looking regardless.

Have fun at PAX East!
wow! fantastic work, Ein! those photos turned out great, you guys look absolutely awesome! really impressed with how you ended up tackling the breathing apparatus thingy on Joe's back, i myself tried to make one using a variety of methods (reshaping a coat hanger, using craft foam) but eventually gave up out of frustration. you actually helped me out quite a bit during my own Joe build back in 2015, you supplied me with 3d printings of the medals, cod piece emblems and castle bolts. thanks again! seeing your thread has inspired me to go back and rework a few aspects of my cosplay, i never was happy with my greaves or the size of my shoulder pauldrons. my girlfriend any myself wore our fury road cosplays at last year's MAGFest, and people loved it. it's nice going to a con where you're the only person dressed as that particular character! looking forward to seeing more photos from PAX! have fun!

Fantastic work Ein,

I arrived home to this glorious package today...

Thank you Ein. The extra badge casts, nuts, forearms, and spray canister base look fantastic.

I dug in tonight and gave the ornate spray can a quick paint job.
What a service to the rpf all your 3D files are! My new printer will be humming! Such great work on your own costume, as well! Congratulations! Your hard work paid off.

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