Rogue One Vader costume

Those shoulders are pretty brutal.
They seem very broad for some reason..... Even in the new artwork. image.png
Perhaps I'm mistaken, but in my opinion, it looks like a Vader easier for shorter guys (6'1-6'2) to pull off since the proportions are.... Well.... Funny
Perhaps I'm mistaken, but in my opinion, it looks like a Vader easier for shorter guys (6'1-6'2) to pull off since the proportions are.... Well.... Funny

Now that would be good news for me since I always regarded myself to short to portray Vader ... I already have yet an unfinished ANH facemask combined with an ESB dome and other parts waiting to be combined to make an awkward yet totally believable Vader :wacko

Now that would be good news for me since I always regarded myself to short to portray Vader ... I already have yet an unfinished ANH facemask combined with an ESB dome and other parts waiting to be combined to make an awkward yet totally believable Vader :wacko

That's what the pics are making it look like..... Even though, I believe the actor portraying Vader (supposedly) may be taller than Prowse. But that said, Prowse had strange proportions..... Extremely long arms, broad shoulders, a barrel chest, and a shorter torso. If this guy is just averagely proportioned, and the armor is slightly oversized on him, that means the shorter guys can use parts that already exist and make a Vader.
I doubt he will look that proportionally incorrect in the movie.

I definitely agree to some extent...... But again, this picture definitely shows the proportions are pretty off. image.jpeg

Not as horrible as that artwork but definitely not Prowse by any means.
That being said though, I think Gino of all people knows that Prowse had a weirdly shaped and proportioned body..... Dudes arms were like that of a gorilla.
Wth... The shoulder and chest armor look worse than ep3? WHY did they have to redesign the trooper and Vader??? Looks way wrong. The whole thing... But that top armor is a god awful all new design.

really makes me irritated. :(
Holy hell, so it wasn't just "excuses'' that me and many others saw that made Vader look kinda wonky in the trailer; he actually is wonky! Everything kinda just sits awkwardly on him and, to me, the chest stands out the most. It sits so flat on his chest, I think the lip at the neck of the armor is showing. I never thought something after the PT would have anything that looked equally wonky as the RotS Vader (and they juts took an average guy and padded the suit to fit him in that), especially in such a high-profile and talked about thing as Rogue One.

Considering how much the production has talked up the guy they chose to fill the suit, it still kinda looks like a kid wearing his daddy's suit. Only in this instance, it's in space.:p
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