CAROLCO I told you i'd be back!





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Nobody wants a remake of This Is Spinal Tap.


Nobody can DO a remake of This is Spinal Tap !!!

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Wait. Are you telling us that YOU are the PR guy/gal for Carolco and that you registered here, on the finest forum about all things movie related, just to let us old dawgs know that one of the most awesomest companies locked and loaded its creative weaponry to reconquer the movie industry?! Planetwide?!!!
That's cool and all, but let's be clear on a few things:

1. The world doesn't really need more Rambo films. The character is a relic of a particular time, and that's fine and dandy when taken in context. The further adventures of John Rambo, though? Not interested.

2. IF you are going to resurrect the Terminator brand again (if you get a chance, that is), it's time to move on from Ahnold. There are many, many, many more stories that can be told in that setting, none of which require him, none of which require the same old dynamic of good guy and bad guy going back through time to save/kill present-day character. Also, John Conner should not be a damn Terminator. Let's see the Future War. It's time.

3. No more pirate movies. Disney's got that locked up. Let 'em have it. They'll keel over soon enough, anyway, as people grow increasingly tired of Jack Sparrow's antics.

4. Other than that...take some risks! Far too many studios play it really safe by following each others' leads and trying to chase after the next big franchise and such. Do your own thing, and provide for the demand of the folks out there who don't just want to see yet another epic franchise.

Carolco had some truly amazing films back in the day, well beyond the action/sci-fi genre stuff. King of New York, Mel Gibson's Hamlet, L.A. Story, The Doors, Chaplin, etc. I look forward to seeing that kind of thing again.
Yah, I looked at the website and it looks like CAROLCO is just looking to profit off of old properties it already owns.
Correct me if I'm wrong, CAROLCO.
I want to be excited for your return, but I've had it up to my ears with remakes/reboots/sequels/prequels.
Shock us with something awesome, like you used to do, so I can get on board.
That's cool and all, but let's be clear on a few things:

1. The world doesn't really need more Rambo films. The character is a relic of a particular time, and that's fine and dandy when taken in context. The further adventures of John Rambo, though? Not interested.

2. IF you are going to resurrect the Terminator brand again (if you get a chance, that is), it's time to move on from Ahnold. There are many, many, many more stories that can be told in that setting, none of which require him, none of which require the same old dynamic of good guy and bad guy going back through time to save/kill present-day character. Also, John Conner should not be a damn Terminator. Let's see the Future War. It's time.

3. No more pirate movies. Disney's got that locked up. Let 'em have it. They'll keel over soon enough, anyway, as people grow increasingly tired of Jack Sparrow's antics.

4. Other than that...take some risks! Far too many studios play it really safe by following each others' leads and trying to chase after the next big franchise and such. Do your own thing, and provide for the demand of the folks out there who don't just want to see yet another epic franchise.

Carolco had some truly amazing films back in the day, well beyond the action/sci-fi genre stuff. King of New York, Mel Gibson's Hamlet, L.A. Story, The Doors, Chaplin, etc. I look forward to seeing that kind of thing again.

Solo, I would actually not mind seeing Arnie as Hamlet :lol ever since I saw that short scene in The Last Action....... :p :lol :lol
Yes, if you can team up with Cameron when he gets the rights back, and make it very much like the first film, dark gritty future war, low-budget, guerilla film making :D then no more Terminators.
If they try to get the Terminator franchise back they literally have the chance to do the right thing: do the future war. EXACTLY. as Reese told it in T1. Which... kinda negates all the sequels - but you can sorta work with T2, since it left the ending open... though... it still sorta cheapened out the whole Terminator thing, as it seemed more like a fan service movie than an actual gritty, dark, fear of technology thriller movie. It doesn't need Arnold. He's a great terminator, sure, but a continuation really doesn't need him. Ignore the sequels and their inability to not include stupid twists just to keep having terminators come back through time to blow **** up and hit worse than stormtroopers in Star Wars and have judgment day happen and all that stuff. The story simply doesn't work if it doesn't happen exactly as Reese said in T1. Just take what he said and write a story based around that - no need for stupid twists and turns that never make any sense or stand up to scrutiny. And anyone saying you can't make a great story from things we already know, then historic movies or movies based on books wouldn't be possible and be good and successful. Nuclear war, death camps, fight for survival and no terminators until the very end... and make the machines dangerous and lethal and unstoppable again - no more good-guy terminators. It cheapens the whole thing.

Though I would like to see the true future war... I honestly doubt it will ever happen.

For something else.... would be cool if they got the rights to Dredd to do a sequel.

But yeah... be bold, be brave, be what the other studios don't do or dare... and pay effects houses a percentage of the profits, similar to actors and directors. They've earned it. :)
Yah, I looked at the website and it looks like CAROLCO is just looking to profit off of old properties it already owns.
Correct me if I'm wrong, CAROLCO.
I want to be excited for your return, but I've had it up to my ears with remakes/reboots/sequels/prequels.
Shock us with something awesome, like you used to do, so I can get on board.

Going a little farther with this - where is anyone even getting the idea that they might be pursuing any of the old properties, much less engaging in film production at all?

Looking at the executive biographies, they all appear to be finance types, with the exception of a few creative folks who specialize in virtual reality and app development. Nowhere do they say that they have or are looking to reacquire any of the old rights – they just made various references to the fact that they acquired the trademark of a "defunct" company that USED to make well-known movies – but they don't actually state that they either acquired any of the rights to those properties or that they are seeking to. All they bought is a trademark. Even when they brought Mario Kassar (old Carolco leader) in, it was for some unspecified purpose, and he has already been gone again since the beginning of the year. And I don't see anything on their website indicating that they have any affiliation with the Carolco Films website linked above - and I think that, if they did and had their hands on those sequel rights, they would be touting the heck out of it. Which they aren't.

So, not to burst anyone's bubble, but I don't see anything here more then a start up company that bought a trademark for the name of an old movie studio. Nothing else. Am I missing something? Can someone show a definite connection between the Carolco Films website and the Carolco Pictures website?


edit to add: Yeah, if you look up the LinkedIn profiles of the various principals, there is little to no content creation history other than app development and app marketing. And, while the Carolco Pictures domain is registered anonymously, the Carolco films website is still registered to Alice Neuhauser in California ( as it has been for the past 12 years). So I really think that this new company is just trading on the name, and has no connection to the other website that – supposedly – is affiliated with people who own the sequel rights to these various films.
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Going a little farther with this - where is anyone even getting the idea that they might be pursuing any of the old properties, much less engaging in film production at all?

There's an "In Development" page on the website.
I assumed "In Development" means they're actually working on these things, but I admit I'm not Hollywood-studio savvy, so maybe it means something different to them than it does to me. I didn't see anything original on the "In Development" page - remakes and sequels of "Fright Night", a remake of "Jacob's Ladder", and some movies to be developed into television series... Like I said, though, it's entirely possible I've misinterpreted that.

I have to wonder, though, why they bothered registering and posting if they're promoting *nothing*.
"Hey guys! Remember me? I'm not doing anything new - had to sell some stuff and move into my Mom's basement a while back.
I just wanted to remind you so you don't forget how awesome I was in the '80s. Bye!"
There's an "In Development" page on the website.
I assumed "In Development" means they're actually working on these things, but I admit I'm not Hollywood-studio savvy, so maybe it means something different to them than it does to me. I didn't see anything original on the "In Development" page - remakes and sequels of "Fright Night", a remake of "Jacob's Ladder", and some movies to be developed into television series... Like I said, though, it's entirely possible I've misinterpreted that.

I have to wonder, though, why they bothered registering and posting if they're promoting *nothing*.
"Hey guys! Remember me? I'm not doing anything new - had to sell some stuff and move into my Mom's basement a while back.
I just wanted to remind you so you don't forget how awesome I was in the '80s. Bye!"

Axl- the "in development" page is on the Carolco films website, not the Carolco Pictures website. And, as pointed out above when I edited my message, it does not appear that there is any connection between the two websites. It doesn't even look like the Carolco films website has been updated recently. And the Carolco Pictures website doesn't even have a link to the Carolco films website that I can find. I think they are just two unrelated websites that the original poster put together in the same post to – intentionally or not – imply a connection between them.

Yeah, why does the Carolco pictures website say its based in FL, but the Carolco Films site says its based in Manhattan Beach CA.

Seems weird.
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