London mcmcomicon may 2016


Sr Member
So did anyone else here attend mcmcomicon at London so excellent centre? I had a pretty good day and picked up a few nice bits and pieces.
6 more Cosbaby iron man figures
Antman and yellow jacket Cosbaby figures
A dark knight model kit
Arkham knight batmobile and schematic from eaglemoss
Avengers themed playing cards, because why not.
Metal earth iron man kit
And my favourite piece of all from an Australian company

My only regret is not saving more money to spend as there was so many things I wanted to buy but could not afford, but there is always next time.
Very cool and excellent statement: "(...) because why not." :D Thank you for sharing this.
I very much intend to visit the London Comic Con one day,hopefully next year.
I went, but mostly just wandered around in costume. Saturday was a huge hit (Verka Serduchka) and Sunday was more relaxed as Khan. :)
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