Elizabeth Swann At World's End Pirate King costume (POTC)


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I just wanted to share the Elizabeth Swann costume I made for my sister Aileen for our POTC group :)

Everything was made from faux leather, the buckles and details on the shoulders were made from craft foam, the belt pieces were made from Apoxie sculpt and the entire silk costume was 'embroidered' with relief paint. All other trimming was sewn on and some painted to match the color of the painted details. The entire costume pattern was drafted by hand :)

I've already noticed certain things I would like to alter, but that always happens after you see the completed costume, like the length of the thigh armor scale pieces compared to the whole robe. I'm thinking if I attach the belt a bit higher it should help with that.

I'm still in the process of making her hat.



If you guys are interested, please check out my Jack Sparrow cosplay;

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