My PROP COLLECTION : (*NEW!*) "Temple of Doom” (1984)

Adam C.

Sr Member
I previously had a 'General Prop Collection' thread several years ago that, at this point, seems to be both missing most of it's pictures, and is also just a rambling mess in general. So I figured that it was time for me to go ahead and start a brand new thread, so that I have a place to feature any new additions. So without further ado, I give you...ADAM C.'s Prop Collection: REDUX!

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Re: My PROP COLLECTION : 2.0 (2016+)

Love your collection Adam! A lot of great props and well displayed.
You make me want to buy and frame the Shining picture too!
Re: My PROP COLLECTION : 2.0 (2016+)

Nice mate. Great collection.


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Re: My PROP COLLECTION : 2.0 (2016+)

That looks awesome. You do a really good job of mixing props from different movies together. I have tried to do that, but it always looks cluttered and messy when I do so I end up just having to separate everything.
Re: My PROP COLLECTION : 2.0 (2016+)

Now the questions are:
1. Which ones are production made?
2. Which ones are licensed replicas?
3. Which ones are fan-made? (either by you or someone you paid)
Re: My PROP COLLECTION : 2.0 (2016+)

A great collection !! You can look at the photos every day and find something different.
Thanks for sharing.

Re: My PROP COLLECTION : 2.0 (2016+)

Love your collection Adam! A lot of great props and well displayed.
You make me want to buy and frame the Shining picture too!

Thank-you, Sir! :) I actually just got that one printed-up and framed about a week or so ago. There's nothing quite like making-up 'cheap & easy' paper-props to fill the void between getting the bigger stuff. :D

Yeap, great collection and display, Adam. Nice "seeing" you more often at the forum ;)

You are too kind, my friend. I hope to get the chance to lurk about a little bit more than I have been in the past. Many thanks. :thumbsup

As always, impressive.

Nice mate. Great collection.

Thanks, Gentlemen!

Beautiful. What is the blue vial behind Sting? Antidote Mr. Jones?

"Correct-a-mundo", as the Fonz would say. :thumbsup

That looks awesome. You do a really good job of mixing props from different movies together. I have tried to do that, but it always looks cluttered and messy when I do so I end up just having to separate everything.

Thanks, and I know exactly what you mean! I have the very same problem myself with my prop-cabinet. It's kind of just the way it goes I guess, when space is an issue.

Now the questions are:
1. Which ones are production made?
2. Which ones are licensed replicas?
3. Which ones are fan-made? (either by you or someone you paid)

So far, the only 'production made' piece that I own is the frog from MAGNOLIA. As far as licensed replicas? Probably the most prominent ones are the 'Sting' sword from LORD OF THE RINGS, (made by 'United Cutlery'), several PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN necklaces & rings, (made by 'Master Replicas'), a Han Solo ESB Blaster and Luke Skywalker ESB Lightsaber, (also both produced by 'Master Replicas'), and then a few STAR TREK items, (all of which were from 'Diamond Selects'.)

The most notable fan-made replicas that I currently own are a weighted MALTESE FALCON statue sculpted by Ozymandius, a custom-made wooden 'Rosebud' Sled from CITIZEN KANE, (that I had personally commissioned from a friend of mine named Jon French), a BLADE RUNNER blaster made by Richard A. Coyle, a MINORITY REPORT 'Precog Ball' made by Gordon Gekko, a SUPERMAN: THE MOTION PICTURE Crystal from Hydin, a JURASSIC PARK Cryo-can made by Rylo, a RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK 'Staff of Ra' headpiece from RelicMaker (the 'Raven Bar' Version) & another one from Replica Props (the 'Imam' Version), a 'Chachapoyan Temple' Treasure Map that was designed by DARTH SABER, a TEMPLE OF DOOM 'Nurhachi Urn' & Diamond from Markpoon, a 'Sankara Stone' from Landron Artifacts, a 'Fertility Idol' (with glass-eyes) from Stetler Creative, and a ceramic 'Grail Cup' from Restaurajones.

Several props though, are actual real-world 'found' items that happen to be made by either the same companies or people that made their counterparts for the films in which they happened to appear. This would include such items as my yellow 'Darrell Allan' Dive-Light from JAWS, a INDIANA JONES fedora made by the 'Herbert Johnson Hat Company', a 10ft. Kangaroo-hide leather Bullwhip made by David Morgan before he passed away, and the Boxing-Gloves manufactured by 'Casanova' that are essentially the same type used in the first ROCKY movie.

Adam, A great collection !! You can look at the photos every day and find something different.
Thanks for sharing.

Thank-you, Gary. :)
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Re: My PROP COLLECTION : 2.0 (2016+)

Absolutely beautiful collection. Definitely something to strive for someday! I really love the way you have your displays set up.
Re: My PROP COLLECTION : 2.0 (2016+)

Great collection there ;) I would like to buy the Et figure from Neca but problems of space stopped me. I need showcases like yours because cleaning a lot of figures is a help for me :lol
Re: My PROP COLLECTION : 2.0 (2016+)

Absolutely beautiful collection. Definitely something to strive for someday! I really love the way you have your displays set up.

Thanks, man. :):thumbsup

Great collection there ;) I would like to buy the Et figure from Neca but problems of space stopped me. I need showcases like yours because cleaning a lot of figures is a help for me :lol

Thank-you, Pedro. Much appreciated. :) And yes, I understand exactly what you mean about the E.T. taking up more than it's fair share of space. :lol In fact, I myself almost decided against getting one for the exact same reason. Ultimately though, I'm glad that I decided in favor of getting it. I couldn't imagine my Home Theater without him, now. (By the way, I continue to be a huge fan of your work, and the 'Grail Cup' that you made for me is one of the most cherished pieces in my Collection.)
Re: My PROP COLLECTION : 2.0 (2016+)

What a collection! :eek
I happened to have taken a look at Your previous show off thread, let me compliment You this time in person (sort of)!:cheers


Re: My PROP COLLECTION : 2.0 (2016+)

Great have some really nice props and I like the lights in your proproom!:):thumbsup
Re: My PROP COLLECTION : 2.0 (2016+)

Yikes! What an absolutely stellar collection! It's like looking through movie history. You've done a beautiful job of it; kudos to you!
L O V E your ET!
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Re: My PROP COLLECTION : 2.0 (2016+)

Thank-you very much for all of the nice comments, everyone! Your kindness means a lot to me.

I'm just posting a quick addition that I just made to the Collection. For years I've wanted a replica of one of the barrels from the movie JAWS, but their scarcity, (and price!) made that just about impossible for me. Recently, I came upon a 'close enough' version that finally seemed like it would suit my needs. (And the fact that it was free certainly didn't hurt either!) It's definitely far from Screen-accurate, but I'm pretty happy with it. :)

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