Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

300 is a damn good adaptation of the comic at least, personally I loved it. Watchmen to a lesser degree of course but I was quite happy with it, I get why they had to do things to bring it to film. The source materials were being referenced. Now with this one something changed.
I feel like DC is just so lost in trying to be the "opposite" of Marvel, that their films suffer. I dont know how responsible I hold Snyder, as just how much of this movie was done by a committee of DC and Warner Brothers execs? Unimaginative, boring, suit and ties? I'd wager they played quite a big part.

Ben is THE Batman to me. The look, the attitude. It's perfect. Some actors have been Bruce Wayne, some have been Batman, but never have managed to capture both for me like Ben has. I really look forward to his solo film, as well as Wonder Woman's. Once again, I find myself not particularly compelled by Henry Cavil. I think he is a fantastic actor, but something about him just isn't right for Superman to me.



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WHAT THE...........

Do I need to rant about this? or will there be other fans who could do a better job than snyder on these characters to chime in?

At least Supergirl got the watch right.
Just been to watch this at the local cinema. I've never read the comic books thought this was brilliant. Loved the tie ins with Man of Steel and funnily didn't bother me that there was a new bat man. This totally made up for that last useless star wars film I went to see.
What exactly is wrong with the Dawn of the Dead remake?! What exactly is wrong with Watchmen? Sure Sucker Punch and 300 are dreck, but Snyder isn't without talent.

There is plenty wrong with watchmen
It's a poor imitation of the graphic novel

Snyder should be a cinematographer, not a director

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Made this for my FB. Not a commentary, I just thought it would be cool.


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Very disappointing... the whole movie feels half-baked. Batman was really good, and the knightmare was awesome if confusing. The movie should've just been called dawn of justice. ****-poor start to the Justice League though.
I actually liked it. Sure it had a few flaws but I don't think it deserves to be crapped on by critics. One of my complaints was being spoon fed the Justice League. It seemed rushed and out of place.
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