The Expanse: Props & Found Parts

Re: The Expanse: Prop Weapons

I've had no luck with the EVA helmet, it may actually be a custom. I was thinking dive helmet since it looks like the Abyss helmet, but nothing's turned up. All of the MRCN suit & backpack parts are UD Replicas stuff, aside from the helmet which is an expensive snowboarding helmet plus an extra visor added. Hm, I should add pics to my links in the other thread...
Re: The Expanse: Prop Weapons

I suspect the P&K-type helmets are custom, based on how closely they resemble the concept art.


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Re: The Expanse: Prop Weapons

If you are looking to convert them helmet into a Solidworks file here is the steps on doing that. I tried but it locked up Solidworks so I am going to try it at a workstation and see if it can handle the conversion. If anyone else attempts this and is successful let us know.

Launch the SolidWorks project you wish to use to import an .STL file. Click the "File" menu and choose "Open."
Click "(*.stl)" from the "Files of type" drop-down menu, then click "Options." Three main options will display in the "Options" dialog box.
Click "Graphics Body" if you wish to import the STL file as graphical data only. Click "OK" to confirm.
Click "Solid Body" if you wish to import the STL file as a solid body. Click "OK" to confirm.
Click "Surface Body" if you wish to import the STL file as surfaces. Click "OK" to confirm.
Click the STL file you wish to import and click "Open." Allow for the import process to finish.
Re: The Expanse: Prop Weapons

Not weapons, but they look cool:

CPM Terminals:

Note that the profiles of these are slightly different from the regular civilian terminals.



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Star Helix - Pistol replica kit

Rough cut - Kit done - clean up prep - Casting in progress.

RPF Kit.jpg

The parts are just placed together - not glued - the image makes the top gun light look too short from this angle - it is not. I am in the process cleaning up the parts and making molds. The kit will only be nine parts with the Glock as one solid piece as pictured. The Glock is a rough cast right out of the mold. The kit be assembled by the novice builder to the most advanced. For those that are particular - they can use the Glock base and make their own parts if they don't like mine.

The decal graphics will come later.

Getting to the Martian pistol soon.
Helix Pistol Resin kit - Replica Prop

that looks amazing!! great job, man!!

Thanks Brother !!

I am mixing up Silicon tonight to pour up the parts. Hope to pull the molds tomorrow - then kits are available. Still waiting on Smooth On delivery. It is a little rougher than i want - but it is not bad. The kit looks good. I will upgrade parts when i can.

i am only going to do five to ten kits. I just don't have the time to do a big run. I want a couple of kits for my self. This was really just about being a hardcore Expanse Fan. The research and screen caps Mike did made a lot of this possible. ( THANKS MIKE !! )

I will post more pictures when i am further along.


RPF 2.jpg
Re: The Expanse: Prop Weapons

Gordon, don't know if this might be helpful ?

That Magpul is pretty spendy, huh? Cool that you already have one :)

THANK YOU FOR THAT THREAD !!! I will be starting the Martian pistol soon. I was not looking forward to trying up the clay on that one. This thread gives me a new way to try to clean up the seams up front. Casting is an art. It is like being a surgeon in execution of a skill set. I feel like a butcher trying to butcher a raging bull in a china closet - trying to wrap clay around the XD pistol in an orderly and precise fashion.

The Magpul is not worth the purchase cost only to cover it up with with a shell. I will take detailed pictures of the magpul FPS with measurements and angles. The design itself is simple. A simplified shell over replica base is far more practical. The handle details are basically a modified glock with a folding trigger guard.

I am not saying it would be easy - but it is definitely doable. The design is simplistic and easily replicated. I won't destroy my FPS for the Protogen rifle/pistol. But I will make a shell that fits over it as depicted on the show.
Re: The Expanse: Prop Weapons

There is a horribly cheap looking plastic FPG from China, that still retails for $50 on eBay.

I suppose you don't actually need any of the folding mechanics since the props don't fold on screen, and likely couldn't any way due to the add-ons.

Lucky for you, you already have a mold for a Glock, if you were inclined to offer a Protogen pistol / rifle kit.

Re: The Expanse: Prop Weapons

There is a horribly cheap looking plastic FPG from China, that still retails for $50 on eBay.

I suppose you don't actually need any of the folding mechanics since the props don't fold on screen, and likely couldn't any way due to the add-ons.

Lucky for you, you already have a mold for a Glock, if you were inclined to offer a Protogen pistol / rifle kit.


There is no offering anywhere I know except mine for a Resin cast of the Advanced Glock - not to say that someone else won't do it. But anyone who wants a regular Glock Base for a Protogen gun could get a BLUEGUN Glock 17 for the base. The castings are fantastic. Then slap the shell on it and BAM ! Protogen Gun. I am using the screen caps you provided to do a 3D model of the rifle/pistol. I will take photos of my Magpul FSG to show the details and the nuances of the FSG compared to the glock base. The front flash hiders and muzzle detail on the ProtoGen guns are in question. Perhaps a photo of the props will surface soon and we will have a better baseline on it. But I will have the measurements from the original FSG - as a baseline - so anyone who wants one - and has the skills could build it.

Eventually I will have a version just because I want a collections of the props from the series. There will be PROTOGEN - but as a prop itself - the design is not likely to have Mass appeal. I have never done a casting the size of a Rifle. I could do component parts - but that is a lot of model engineering for a kit - easier to do a one time scratch build. We will see.

For anyone who needs a base glock - here is the best source I know for one: the BLUEGUN STORE

(I provided the link for hobbyist and fans - I do not have any commercial connections with this company - except i buy a lot of their products.)

After i finish up on the Helix pistol - I am jumping in to the Martian Pistol.

Then the RHINO - Millers gun.

By then I hope the second Season will air !!!
Re: The Expanse: Prop Weapons

Amazon lists an April 5 release date for DVDs & BluRays, but as far as extras, all it says is 'deleted scenes.' Not bad, but it's not exactly an hour long 'making of' special. I suspect they'll also tack on the short episode retrospectives with the cast & crew as well.

Somebody start bugging SyFy about a "Making Of" book / 'season companion.' Hell, Firefly got two books for their 13 episodes, I think the Expanse season 1 could certainly fill one.

Quick assembly

I wanted to test the kit and take some pictures. Here is a quick assembly - relatively virgin kit - minimal cleanup - off the mold.
RPF Assembled  3.jpgRPF Assembled 2.jpgRPF Assembled 5.jpgRPF Assembled 6.jpgRPF Assembled 7.jpgRPF Assembled 1.jpgRPF Assembled 4.jpg

I know that the prop has the front sight removed. If someone wants to do that - they can file it down or cut it off. I could not bring myself to do it on this one. : )

Thanks for the support all - research and screen caps. Shout out to my friends! Thanks gentlemen and ladies!

I am going to try some new claying techniques on the Martian Pistol. I need to gather some funds to fund the project - I blew out my budget. . . . ten times over.

More pics will come - I need to clean up my mess - take a little time in a build - need to see what i can do about creating the Graphic transfers for the Star Helix pistol.

The rail cover precludes the Glock from fitting into most standard Glock holsters. The top light system won't fit into anything. Star Helix must have them custom made.


All feedback and comments are greatly appreciated.

I learn something new every time I attempt a project. There is a steep learning curve. But each failure brings knowledge and forges a success for the future. i am not one of the Prop MASTERS yet - but experience and help from kind souls here on the forum has provided enough knowledge and skill to make this project possible. When I first joined the RPF I could only dream of something like this. Now making a kit has become a reality!


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