Recasting Question


Active Member
Forgive me if this has been covered somewhere, but here's a hypothetical for you...

let's say you bought a cast and when it arrived it was pretty junky, like it's a cast off of a Hasbro Lightsaber, let's say... So you take it, cut all the junk off, rebuild it clean with apoxie sculpt and then cast it a new, are you then a recaster or are you ok because you're not going off of someone's finished piece?

conversely is the person you bought from a recaster for selling casts of a Hasbro lightsaber?
Forgive me if this has been covered somewhere, but here's a hypothetical for you...

let's say you bought a cast and when it arrived it was pretty junky, like it's a cast off of a Hasbro Lightsaber, let's say... So you take it, cut all the junk off, rebuild it clean with apoxie sculpt and then cast it a new, are you then a recaster or are you ok because you're not going off of someone's finished piece?

conversely is the person you bought from a recaster for selling casts of a Hasbro lightsaber?

In my honest opinion, (just my opinion) this last line is a big YES. Unless, they are permitted to do so.
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Forgive me if this has been covered somewhere, but here's a hypothetical for you...

let's say you bought a cast and when it arrived it was pretty junky, like it's a cast off of a Hasbro Lightsaber, let's say... So you take it, cut all the junk off, rebuild it clean with apoxie sculpt and then cast it a new, are you then a recaster or are you ok because you're not going off of someone's finished piece?

conversely is the person you bought from a recaster for selling casts of a Hasbro lightsaber?

If you take the REPLICA you bought and SELL copies, that is clearly recasting. No one disputes that. It doesn't matter that you cleaned it up.
You can use it for yourself. Just can't sell copies.
I think I'm just going to use these as a guide and build from scratch. I was really disappointed in the casts I received.
If you take the REPLICA you bought and SELL copies, that is clearly recasting. No one disputes that. It doesn't matter that you cleaned it up.
You can use it for yourself. Just can't sell copies.

I kind of disagree that this cast is even a replica. It's just a cast of the toy. It's not like someone worked and made something and made a mold of it that was crappy. They made a mould of an existing replica and sold it. I think RECASTING is a really rude thing to do. If someone spent the time and worked and made a replica and some jerk comes along and steals their design, that's awful.

If if I turn this crappy cast of a Hasbro toy into something that looks decent, making it a more comfortable thickness and more accurate I do not see that as the same as a recast. There's a dude that sells a really nice 3d printed Asajj Ventress saber out there. If I bought that and took a cast of it and sold it, that would be horrible, but this is a different story... Isn't it?
When in doubt, work from scratch. It is a gray area, so just make the issue black and white; it's not worth the headaches IMO, and in the end you'll be more satisfied with a scratch-built piece.
You can cast copies and sell them of an ORIGINAL.
If you wanted to do the toy, then you'd have to acquire the toy and make your own copy.
You never want to put yourself in the position of making a copy of a copy. That's the best way to think of it.

Going totally from scratch is ALWAYS safe. :)
Recasting for sale = Bad.

Recasting for your own use = Grey area.

Fixing the completely embarrassing mess that is those lightsabers and then making molds of them? = Can't see that anyone would blame you for that.

However I agree, going from scratch will not only be more rewarding but probably easier too!
...let's say you bought a cast and when it arrived it was pretty junky, like it's a cast off of a Hasbro Lightsaber, let's say... So you take it, cut all the junk off, rebuild it clean with apoxie sculpt and then cast it a new, are you then a recaster or are you ok because you're not going off of someone's finished piece?
Yes, you're a recaster.

...conversely is the person you bought from a recaster for selling casts of a Hasbro lightsaber?
Yes, they're a recaster.
Hi, I'm new to all this..... I'm a jeweller and I do a bit of casting so this thread is interesting to me, don't mind me lurking, just keen to learn from you all

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