Bull Rancor suit build


New Member
Greetings! I haven't posted here before, but I posted a collage with a question on the Facebook site and was told I should post what I have been doing here. So I'll start from the beginning. First, I have been a puppet maker for about 3 years (www.PuppetSmithArts.com). I have A.D.D. (which I love!) and after working with and casting liquid latex for a while, wanted to experiment. Ever since I was little and had a cheesy, latex Frankenstein mask, I wanted to make a mask. So I built a Marvel's Rhino mask. Then a suit to go with it. Then a walk-around character inspired by Sweetums, then a Ben Gimm Thing.

current cosplay.jpg

Next I decided on trying an updated Mugato - that white ape with spikes from TOS Star Trek? I sdulpted, molded and cast the face in foam latex; sculpted, molded and cast horns in liquid latex; and made some arm extensions with cable operated fingers.
1a.jpg 1b.JPG DSCN7915.JPG DSCN7921.JPG

Though this was coming out quite well, the A.D.D. struck and I got super excited to scrap Mugato and do a Return of the Jedi Rancor instead. Trying not to waste what I had already done, I looked online and found that "Bull Rancors" have horns. So Mugato is gone, now starts the Bull Rancor Build which started with a concept sketch:


10/28/14 - I started bottom up. So I first built a PVC structure to support a pair of scrubs. Then added foam. I took a soldering iron and burned in creases and folds.

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Next I needed a frame for the body. I started with an old Boy Scout backpack frame and added flexible conduit for the shape. I added foam to it and yes, i looks like a hot dog, but I will add details!!

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I temporarily glued some horns on it to give an idea of the look. eventually I will contact cement them on then add the latex, which should make them permanent. But so you and I both have an idea where I'm going...


Moving on up, I made a big block of foam to start the head. I am use to building up foam for the puppets. This is my first 3d carving. For the carving, I maily used a simple, electric kitchen knife and an exacto. Oh, a tip if try this, wear a mask/regulator. I think there was as much in my nose and lungs as you see on my face!

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Here is the sculpt, with and without the jaw.

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I purchased a pair of 5" platform boots, covered them in foam and sculpted feet. I also added a layered tail to the body

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I took the arm extensions and added styrofoam to them so I can just lay foam over them for the shape. I started that last night, but haven't finished. I am trying to work out how to get the elbow to bend and not fold up when bent. Though I don't think that will be a huge issue once the latex is done.


Very plain arms. On the left you can see where I'll put my arms in. The right is at an angle so you can see that I added an elbow pad. Hopefully the pad will be enough so when I bend my arms, it will fold in the right place (path of least resistance)

Side-view minus arms. Note the feet are just next to it so it will be taller.

front-view minus arms. The head is leaning a bit. But so is the body. I'm hoping that when on, it all straightens up. Well, at least to my body's version of straight! lol


Now, this was the question I posed that prompted them asking me to post here:

"I am nearing completion of the fabrication stage and will soon beginning covering this monstrosity in liquid latex. Any suggestions on a spray method of applying it? Equipment to use other than a brush? I have a compressor for air brush that does at least 60psi if that helps (I think 80psi, but not positive)?"

Many said I could use a spray gun. I have found them with tip sizes 0.5, 1.5 and 2.5mm. Which size is best? I assume not 0.5mm but of the other two? I want it to spray, but not ridiculously thick. Thanks!

current cosplay.jpg























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Awesome!!! Test 1 done! Here are the pics. The first four I antiqued and colored out the face so it looks more like what the final will. The dangly bit in front is the crotch piece. We were in such a rush to get these taken before we had zero light, that I forgot to have her do it. Its a piece I may just get rid of too.
Test 1 - B&W side 1.JPG Test 1 - B&W front 1.JPG Test 1 - B&W side 2.JPG Test 1 - B&W front 2.JPG

Here are some color ones that are a little better for build detail.

Test 1 - Color Front.JPG Test 1 - Color side.JPGTest 1 - Color  tail.JPG Test 1 - color top.JPG

I see that I will need to lean forward a little. That shouldn't be a problem especially after wearing it for 15 minutes! Right now it fits well and is pretty light. But there is no latex yet, so that will change!! We also took a video. It was too dark to see so a friend lightened it up. Its grainy, but viewable. One extra thing I noticed from it is the need to prop the tail up more.



  • Test 1 - B&W front 2.JPG
    Test 1 - B&W front 2.JPG
    2 MB · Views: 166
  • Test 1 - B&W front 1.JPG
    Test 1 - B&W front 1.JPG
    3 MB · Views: 131
Not much to add. Waiting on payday to order 5 gallons of liquid latex. Ugh... But I used the rest of what I had to make some horns that will go around the shoulders, hips and back for details. So here is a picture of a bunch horns and one noisy kitten...
Test of the mouth function of the rancor build. The fulcrum wasn't going to work. Besides an awkward control (me nodding my head), it didn't give enough range. So I went back to the cable method but instead of being operated by an outside person, I will run it from a hand. That does mean I will be able to operate both arms, only one of the rancor's hands. BUT, what I am going to do is make a Gamorean guard stuffed animal and put it in his non-functioning hand. Baby Rancor and his toy. <em>[video]https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10152591856293152[/video]
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Keeping busy while waiting on the latex shipment...

Since one hand is not going to work now that I am going to operate the mouth mechanism myself, and since Roscoe is a juvenile rancor, he now has his own toy Gamorrean Guard to play with. Yes, I crocheted it myself! :)


Then I made a cave so hopefully I can spray the latex and not have the wife make me sleep in the dog house for destroying another carpet!


I also glued gause over all the seams to both help hide them as well as reinforce them.


Latex should be here in the next day or two!

Also, don't remember if I posted this or not, but Reggie has his own Facebook site now: https://www.facebook.com/RoscoeRancor
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2 coats of latex on the feet and legs. 2 coats on most of the head, minus the part that looks a different color in the pic, which has 1 coat. 1 coat on about half of each arm. There will be a few missed spots that will need touchup, but I think I am going to go with 2 coats for both weight and cost. I should be able to finish the above pieces with the latex I purchased, but won't even have enough to single coat the tail of the body. Going to need another big bucket of latex.


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Haven't posted one in a while. Here's the update (full build here: https://www.facebook.com/RoscoeRancor ).

Got 2 coats of latex on all but about 10% of the body and tail. Out of latex for now but I have ordered 2 gallons. That'll be pushing it, but may suffice. I just have to get ordered and in what I can afford before the weather gets worse (can't ship latex <34 degrees). Added all the horns, spines teeth, etc. The ones on the body will all be painted in browns, maybe the two on top of the head as well? Eyes are made out of over-sized Easter egg containers. Paint job is okay, not my specialty. I may practice with the airbrush and re-do them later.





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Roscoe is all but done! Here is a video of Roscoe out for a stroll though!

The fur on top is a 'saddle blanket'. It hides the connection between the head and body. I will be adding a 'training saddle' as well that will help hide the rest of the seam. He just needs a few details: training saddle, see-through fabric to hide my face and a hole to see where i step, and a new mouth mechanism. You can see all the pictures at www.facebook.com/RoscoeRancor

progress 12-14-14.jpg

progress 12-14-14.jpg
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