RE-cast alert Saberforge REcast my Tfu2 Promo Saber

That message he wrote was despicable, childish and so full of idiotic BS.

Kudos RPF staff for being on the ball and banning him.
I picked up a SaberForge Luke ROTJ second-hand that was missing a few parts last year. I contacted SaberForge and the response I got was "I gave those parts away in a box of scraps, you basically got trash"

This doesn't surprise me one bit.
I picked up a SaberForge Luke ROTJ second-hand that was missing a few parts last year. I contacted SaberForge and the response I got was "I gave those parts away in a box of scraps, you basically got trash"

This doesn't surprise me one bit.

That is true. He had a bunch of ROTJ sabers that had either missing parts, dings and scrapes, etc. He gave those away to a forum member on IRA. That member then in turn fixed up most of them as best he could and then he gave those away to members of the forum. I know, I got one. It was a little dinged but it was in really good shape, free, oh, and it was free! Saberforge made it quite clear that these sabers were rejects and would not sell them. That was pretty cool.

Now this last issue with the recasting, that's just sad. The saber world/community has become a mockery of its once former self. Years ago people helped one another with discoveries, how to build, what to use, where to get, new technologies, etc. Now, it's all about who can create the biggest monopoly, who can sell (oops "auction") the most expensive saber nowadays. Oh, and Heaven forbid, don't rock the boat on some forums, that will get you beat down and banned in a heartbeat! I know what it was like in the old'n days as I used to be an FX-Sabers forum Moderator. I jumped ship when I started seeing the backstabbing and the beginnings of the monopoly of "cornering the market" on high end sabers. Tried to get back into it again and found some really great people that I worked with, they devoted a lot of time and effort on my last saber.

It will be interesting in the coming years with 'Smiths doing sabers from the new movies. Uncle George was pretty laid back even though there were "official" replicas out there. I wonder how Mickey will see it...
Don't get me wrong Robiwon, I love what I was able to do with the saber I got (thanks again!), his attitude and approach to business, especially toward a potential customer was completely off-putting.



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To the RPF Staff regarding recasting claims against SABERFORGE

Here is a video proving that Saberforge did not recast Solo's Hold's TFUII saber. Please respond accordingly.
Re: To the RPF Staff regarding recasting claims against SABERFORGE

Although I stand to be corrected by them, the RPF staff have no obligation (or interest I assume) to respond to that video.

As far as I am aware, saberforge was banned for this threatening message to a member here.


That kind of behaviour / attitude is a bannable offense, even though the message was not sent on the board.

As per RPF rules, member's actions elsewhere has bearing on their membership here.

I strongly suggest you do not post in his 'defense'.
Re: To the RPF Staff regarding recasting claims against SABERFORGE

Serious FALSE claims were made against SF... Employees, and business associates have been harassed by Solo's Hold both online and IN PERSON. If actions elsewhere have bearing on your membership here then there should be a ban handed out... and that ban should not be towards SF.

So, yeah I'm going to post this rebuttal to set the record straight and expose the person in question for the type of person that they really are. This ban was handed out before any evidence was seen. Now that the saber has actually been released the other side of the story can actually be told.

I realize this seems confrontational in nature, but people need to know when someone is lying through their teeth. Especially when those lies are being used to harm someone's business. Imagine if it was you being insulted and defamed... Wouldn't you be annoyed? Wouldn't you try to put the truth out there?

I hate to see lies perpetuated, so here is the truth of the matter.
Re: To the RPF Staff regarding recasting claims against SABERFORGE

I am a Global Moderator over at the Imperial Royal Arms forum. Saber Forge was banned from Imperial Royal Arms due to the threats he made towards Solo's Hold about checking what Star Wars movie or cartoon sabers Solo's Hold planned on making next and them beating him to the punch and undercutting his price by a large margin. It does not matter what led up to those threats, right or wrong. The threats themselves and the specific actions mentioned in those threats are why he was banned from IRA. If I'm not mistaken, that is also why he was banned from here.
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Re: To the RPF Staff regarding recasting claims against SABERFORGE

The correct thing to do would have been for saberforge to take this matter up directly via email with the RPF staff.

Continuing to defend a banned member will go nowhere nice for you, no matter how good you may view your intentions to be.

It is up to you to do as you please of course.
Re: To the RPF Staff regarding recasting claims against SABERFORGE

I don't see how damning the actions of someone trying to protect their business, is seen justified while protecting the actions of someone actively trying to destroy someone's business. SF in the past has graciously worked with Solo's Hold pleasantly.

Let's ignore the threats, insults, and lies that Solo's hold has hurled at SF, while picking apart every action of SF? That makes no sense. The guy showed up at SF's CAD artist's house unannounced... His actions are becoming more and more hostile, and all over a saber that he claims was recasted though it was not.

Contacting the staff here is sort of difficult to do when you are banned.
Re: To the RPF Staff regarding recasting claims against SABERFORGE

Contacting the staff here is sort of difficult to do when you are banned.

The correct thing to do would have been for saberforge to take this matter up directly via email with the RPF staff.

Contact details are freely available to non members under the 'contact us' link at the bottom of every page.

Anyway, as I said, it's up to you if you choose to persist in defending a banned member.
Just listened to the whole video. Didn't before because the reason for the banning had nothing to do with recasting or otherwise.

Love the ending.

"Reinstate my membership yada yada, remove content yada yada .... or I'll sue"


Yup, that's gonna happen .... with a free Premium Membership too :lol

"Yo courts, I'm making money off an IP that isn't mine, someone else is too, and he's a rotten liar that I copied his"


That being said :lol, and I assume saberforge is reading this as its public content, please feel free to read this (publicly visible).

Then also feel free to use this (also publicly available) feature under the 'contact us' link.

Good luck :lol
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