Studio Scale ATAT


Well-Known Member
I need some help getting my ATAT off the ground guys! Ive got the proportions of the main head where i think there very close to the original. Got some more kits in the mail to day and was able to model and add the left and right banks from the 1/700 enterprise on the underside protrusion, As you can see i think it needs to be wider as the gap between the parts seems a tad bit to small. There is a flat part with ribs that sits under these parts and extends to the end of the recess in the protrusion. What part have i pointed to with the arrow? That part would go a long way to adjusting the proportion of that part but i don't know what it is. The red/salmon colour is the main buck, the tan/yellow are basic modelled kit parts for dimensional data and grey are just place holders till i replace them with real kit parts. Any help appreciated.


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hi rob
your progess is looking great, i remembered i promised some dimensions for you so i will send them when i get home tonight.
what cad program do you use ? rhino ?
i wish i could help with the kit parts , but alot of them , i was told in confidence .
have you seen monsiour toc's atat ? alot of parts can be seen without paint which should help......
Thanks Jon, Just replied to your PM
Julians great as always but there only so many times you can bug the guy before you become annoying :lol
Pretty sure the part in the centre is Naval carrier Rob, at least if memory serves me right, but Julien and Mat are the ATAT ID guru's!

Hi rob
I can't get your email address to work....
Hope these help...


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Naval kit hey, I have the Enterprise, Shinano, Taiho and Rodney but couldn't see it in those. WIll buy some more and see where i get.
Thanks for the images Jon, Im close to you and with final adjustment I'll see where i end up before milling but I'm glad that at least I'm in the ballpark. Thanks again.
If anyone is interested in joining forces to get this project complete then PM me. Im all for collaboration, i'ts a lot more fun than doing this my myself!

Cheers, :cheers
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Im just going through all the reference data I've collected and out of all of them this is the only photo I have which shows the mechanism which controls the pistons on the leg. Im still leaning to them being animated separately and not moved via the leg movement. The associated text is an interesting read where Phil Tippet explains the mechanism a bit and also how due to the weight they would have to loosen the bolts then tighten them after each frame of movement, This was tedious so Tom St. Amand came up with a solution using ball lock pins. Good read
Piston3.pngCinefex ATAT txt.jpg
Im still on the hunt for the part/parts on the underside of the head, Ive gone through my kits but no luck as yet.
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Hi Teddz,
Im still a noob, only been at it for just over a year but have a few build in the works
Probe Droid (Nearly Complete)
Taun Taun Armature (Prototype Done)
ATST ESB (Nearly Complete)
And a couple more in the design stage.

Over the last few day's Ive been redoing the ATAT head, Trying to get more accurate.
Only a few left on the head to ID now. This highlighted one in particular still evades me.
Anyone have any idea as to what it may be?

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Indeed very looking forward to you progress ;) ... any chance we might see a thread about your prototype Taun Taun armature in the near future as well?

I have just joined the forum and was immediately directed into your build (thanks Joberg!). Can't wait to see your project unfold and is inspiring me to upgrade my AT AT. Are there sources of reference material that you would recommend that reveals more accuracy and detail? I apologize if this info has already been revealed in the thread. Thanks!
Your right. Found a few large scale projects that provided lots of detail. I hate to pepper you with lots of questions but are you scratch building or kit bashing your AT AT?
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