Skyrim female Nightingale COMPLETE


New Member
So on my Facebook page I get asked a lot of 'how do you do this?' 'What materials do you use for x?'

Well, I've decided to make detailed blogs as I build each costume, and hopefully answer some of the questions people have wanted answers for.

My first WIP blog is the Nightingale build from Skyrim.

I started out with a template from JFCustom here on the forums. For advice on printing out, scaling and assembling templates, I recommend you take a look at his thread. Coz that's what I did :p

So assembling the template was no worries. Especially with some expert advice. I decided to use the thin ( sheets of craft foam. I started out with the chest, and I feel like this was a good place to start. Within two days of starting this project, it was already coming together quite quickly, and seeing progress like that has kept me quite motivated. I used the regular old hot glue to attach the foam pieces.

a week later and I had the torso complete. I used different coloured foam for each section.

Right now, I am working on detailing the foam, and I will update with more pics before I get to painting :)


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Re: Skyrim female Nightingale WIP

Just a quick update with some pictures. I will go into more details of my methods when I get my kids off to school :)


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Re: Skyrim female Nightingale WIP a Skyrim fan this blows me away. I look forward to your write up on the build itself, this is one of the coolest things I've seen in a while. Great job.
Re: Skyrim female Nightingale WIP

You are doing a fantastic job! I promise it's not my bias towards all things The Elder Scrolls talking.

Secret: I was debating signing up here for ages, but this post is what finally tipped me onto doing it. Can't wait to see the completed project.
Re: Skyrim female Nightingale WIP

This is looking fantastic! Amazing just how much you can accomplish with something as simple as craft foam, with the right techniques and the motivation!
Re: Skyrim female Nightingale WIP

Thanks guys :)

ive been sick this last few days, so updates and tutorial have been on the back burner, so sorry about that. But I haven't forgotten it!
Do you still have the template file? I can't find it in JFcustom's thread. Thanks.

ah, yes I do, but I would feel more comfortable if you asked JF first. I know that sounds weird, and he didn't exactly tell me I couldn't share it with anyone, but it was his creation, and he might not have it added to his thread for a reason... sorry. but I will ask him also, in case I get questioned about it again elsewhere :)

I just wanted to say that you put together one very cool costume there,

Thanks :)
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