Gravity (Post-release)

Re: Gravity

Not necessarily because if it's that also Sandra in the later part of the trailer and it takes place after the shuttle wrecking scene we see at the beginning then we know that she does get saved after the shuttle gets wrecked and she's launched into space. We know this because we see her, I think, on the ISS and later we see her, once again I think it's her, hitching a ride on the outside of a Soyuz capsule.

I think if it happens more than once, that she's getting launched into space, well, the realistic chances of survival are more than grim. Yes, the extended trailer shows various points in time, but the common thing is that each of those sequences, they're blowing up/falling apart and she's getting rocketed into space.
Re: Gravity

I think if it happens more than once, that she's getting launched into space, well, the realistic chances of survival are more than grim. Yes, the extended trailer shows various points in time, but the common thing is that each of those sequences, they're blowing up/falling apart and she's getting rocketed into space.

That does seem to have happen an awful lot in this movie and I seriously hope that's not the whole premise of the movie.
Re: Gravity

That does seem to have happen an awful lot in this movie and I seriously hope that's not the whole premise of the movie.

Well, it seems to be at this point unfortunately. I for one, don't really find the idea of watching someone float away into space for 2 hours. Artistic or not, well, yea..
Re: Gravity

Of course the naysayers will continue to say it's just hyperbole. Oh well, carry on.

ErikDavis: GRAVITY! GRAVITY! GRAVITY! The ultimate stuck-in-a-pickle movie. Stunning. Mindblowing. Loved it. #TIFF
Re: Gravity

adamchitwood: GRAVITY: Magnificent. Genuinely awe-inspiring. An immersive, emotional, and masterful piece of filmmaking. An incredible experience. #TIFF13

adamchitwood: A note on GRAVITY: Better to go in knowing as little as possible. 3D is essential. See on the biggest screen you can.

katerbland: GRAVITY left me literally weak-kneed. #TIFF13

katerbland: Also, as someone who doesn't care so much for 3D, I'm insanely happy that I saw GRAVITY in IMAX 3D. Highly recommend it for viewing. #TIFF13
Re: Gravity

I love space related Sci-Fi (as we probably all do here), so I'm interested in this one. Looks like a thriller !
Re: Gravity

Teaser posters are works of art by themselves !



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Re: Gravity

I will be traveling across to another city for about 8 hours to watch it in IMAX next month. Though it's not true IMAX, it's still bigger than usual screens here. The true dome IMAX theater is in another state, contemplating that travel as well.
Re: Gravity

I love space related Sci-Fi (as we probably all do here), so I'm interested in this one. Looks like a thriller !

It certainly does but I'm concerned by all of the scenes in the trailer of Sandra Bullock being launched out into space, first after the shuttle gets smacked and she has to release from the arm, then later we see her hitching a ride on the outside of a Soyuz flying by the ISS. I really do hope that this movie isn't just Sandra getting knocked out into space repeatedly.
Re: Gravity

Riceball, I don't really understand why you're worrying here, a trailer is just a trailer. (I'm not sure it's Bullock dressed as a russian astronaut that's about to be hit by the solar panels)

More important, Alfonso Cuaron isn't Michael Bay... so don't expect the usual Hollywood crap and all its non sensic situations, have faith !

Re: Gravity

I'm kinda torn about seeing this move. I want to see it because I've liked what I've seen from Alfonso Cuaron with HP and the amazing long scene shots in Children of Men were crazy,...and this movie seems like it would have tons.

But on the other hand is there a 90 min story or is it to people floating.
Re: Gravity

Literally every review I've come across has raved about how stunning this film is in IMAX 3D. This is astonishing even seasoned critics and directors so give it a chance. After all the seriously flat and predictable blockbusters that have come out this summer I am more than willing to take a risk on a film that promises to deliver a cinema experience that at least takes a trip into space more realistically for a change. And looks like it as well. At ninety minutes long it obviously doesn't hang about and visually it really does look like a high grade Nasa shot space disaster thriller.
Re: Gravity

One of my favourite movies is The Reluctant Astronaut.

This movie would have to completely and utterly be the biggest steaming pile for me NOT to love it! :D

I cannot wait to see it!

Re: Gravity

Some more hyperbole ;).

Jeremy Slater, the writer for the upcoming Fantastic Four reboot.

jerslater: "GRAVITY in IMAX 3D may be the most intense, immersive 90 minutes I've ever spent in a theater. Astonishing filmmaking."
Re: Gravity

I admit I haven't read any reviews of this movie, but I did want to share the audience reaction to the trailer when my buddy and I went to see Pacific Rim.

It was a packed midnight showing, where everyone is pretty much amped for both a good movie and good trailers, so there was a tendency for a lot of applause when something looked good.

Well, after a couple of trailers that elicited cheers, GRAVITY came on and there was zero reaction, silence even, save for the few uncomfortable chuckles and guffaws that could be heard.

Honestly, my friend and I turned to each other too, with that same 'WTF' look on our faces. I think the entire audience collectively wondered as to whether or not it was a 2 hour movie of Sandra Bullock floating in space and that's it.

I'll have to go and read up on it now, but I can tell you one thing: that trailer did the movie an incredible disservice that night! I've never seen such a negative reaction in a theater.
Re: Gravity

I am going to re-post this quote.

adamchitwood: A note on GRAVITY: Better to go in knowing as little as possible. 3D is essential. See on the biggest screen you can.

I have seen this being discussed elsewhere as well and sometimes I don't understand many people's need to know as much as possible about the movie before watching it. It's like people don't want be surprised anymore. Then on the other hand, viewers complain that the trailers these days show too much.

From a financial point of view, I understand people want to make sure that the movie is worth the ticket price. But if one has already made the decision to watch the film, then seems odd wanting to spoil it further instead of discovering the film and the plot in the theatre. Maybe Zemeckis was right.

Here are some quotes from Zemeckis when they were promoting What Lies Beneath cause trailers to that were pretty much showing spoilers in them. He even kinda spoiled Cast Away in the trailers the same way. I understand his reasoning, but totally disagree with him on marketing movies like that, as there are plenty ways movies are being marketed without giving away major plot scenes.

"To do our art we need people to go see our movies,"

"In a perfect world, you wouldn't have to show a scene like that in the trailer. But that's not the world we live in. ... Nobody wants to be surprised anymore."

"If we gave nothing away, we would run the risk of it looking like Harrison and Michelle were in some domestic movie," Zemeckis says of the trailer, which he calls a "beautiful piece of marketing."

The trailer, Zemeckis adds, is the least of his worries when it comes to audience expectations. What really bothers Zemeckis is what lies beneath moviegoers' collective consciousness -- 100 years of cinema.

"Audiences today are aware of the conventions of the genre quite simply because they've seen so many of these movies," Zemeckis says. "They're savvy. So what works best is to acknowledge the past, put in little winks and nods, and then contribute what you have to say. And hopefully you can somehow stay ahead of what the audience is thinking because they're usually 20 minutes ahead of you."

Saw this quote on another site.

"Robert Zemeckis has publicly stated that he wants to ruin the big reveal in his movies because he thinks the audience wants to know how the movie ends before going in to see it. He's a great filmmaker, but a lousy marketer."
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Re: Gravity

It looks pretty but Clooney in scifi movie brings back painful memories of that horrid Solaris remake and Children of Men took an interesting story and made it dull as dishwater. I've never heard of the folks being quoted as having seen the film which given my lack of movie watching is probably the reason. Sadly even if this was a brand new concept the fact they do fast cuts and crap in space proves it's made by folks who don't give a crap about even trying to be authentic. I actually thought this was set further in the future than it appears to be.

It's not that people don't want to be surprised in a film it's the fact they're sick of getting a crap movie for 20.00 a ticket and want to know if it's worth it first.
Re: Gravity

It looks pretty but Clooney in scifi movie brings back painful memories of that horrid Solaris remake and Children of Men took an interesting story and made it dull as dishwater. I've never heard of the folks being quoted as having seen the film which given my lack of movie watching is probably the reason. Sadly even if this was a brand new concept the fact they do fast cuts and crap in space proves it's made by folks who don't give a crap about even trying to be authentic. I actually thought this was set further in the future than it appears to be.

It's not that people don't want to be surprised in a film it's the fact they're sick of getting a crap movie for 20.00 a ticket and want to know if it's worth it first.

If you watch the featurette posted above you'll hear one of the people involved in the movie, the director or somebody else, say that they do long takes to help get you into it. I think the quick cuts are only in the trailer, something that actually happens a lot so I wouldn't judge how it's filmed by the trailer.

I do agree with your last statement though, I like trailers that show me enough of the movie to give me a good idea of what it's about without showing all of the best parts. I want to see all of that because I want to know it the movie looks like it would be worth my time and money to go see or if it's something that I'll rent on Redbox or On Demand or simply wait until it hits a cable channel like FX.
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