'Arrow' from CW show. What's the base bow?

Its a really short looking oldschool recurve.
Way too small for him, actually...riduculously so (its sized for a 10 year old) but i guess that aids in stunts and such.

But enough about his form.

The bow appears to be a modified hunting recurve. Somewhat like this one.
All the brass coloured things on the front appear to be added on, like a weird hand guard (possibly made from a drawer handle?) where the grip is and what look like hinges where the limbs connect to the riser (and another one wrapped to the side where that tape is.

Hope that helps!

(woo first RPF post)
I have freeze framed it and in the last episode it hit me! The base bow, looks like a childs beginning recurve from walmart. But the brass 'Hand Guards' 'Knuckle Dusters' I at fisrst thought it was a drawer handle. But after staring for 20 minutes. I realized I have them here at home. They are the Trigger guard from a replica muzzle loader, They cut a small peice off. But I would bet money on it. I would be glad to post a picture in wanted, But I am doing this on the quick.
That was spectacular. Two users. Two first posts. Both with the same info! Awesome!!! And I mean that sincerely. What I love about the RPF is that it brings together people with such diverse knowledge. For ANY question that comes up, there's usually one or two people who are experts on the subject, no matter how obscure.

Looking forward to seeing someone produce a good replica of this piece!
Agreed. I love this place. :) I'm not as active as I'd like to be these days in terms o' building stuff, but I visit here several times daily, just to get my fix - watching the amazing stuff folks have put together. :D

That was spectacular. Two users. Two first posts. Both with the same info! Awesome!!! And I mean that sincerely. What I love about the RPF is that it brings together people with such diverse knowledge. For ANY question that comes up, there's usually one or two people who are experts on the subject, no matter how obscure.

Looking forward to seeing someone produce a good replica of this piece!
I have freeze framed it and in the last episode it hit me! The base bow, looks like a childs beginning recurve from walmart. But the brass 'Hand Guards' 'Knuckle Dusters' I at fisrst thought it was a drawer handle. But after staring for 20 minutes. I realized I have them here at home. They are the Trigger guard from a replica muzzle loader, They cut a small peice off. But I would bet money on it. I would be glad to post a picture in wanted, But I am doing this on the quick.

Id definitely like to see a picture if you can get one!
Im also surprised to hear you can get bows at walmart! Sadly we dont have walmarts or somewhwere easy to get bows in australia! :p
Agreed. I love this place. :) I'm not as active as I'd like to be these days in terms o' building stuff, but I visit here several times daily, just to get my fix - watching the amazing stuff folks have put together. :D

Im a bit of a learner lurker myself. But i saw this thread and thought; gosh! A topic i may actually be able to contribute to!!
I'll be watching to see if you guys come up with any more info.
It's a little harder here in the UK to find this sort of stuff, so unfortunately we have to rely heavily on you superstars in the US to help us out :)
At my local walmart, Today I saw 2 M-4's, 1 M-16 a G4, A knock off M4 15 shotguns a crossbow and several bows, Plus hundreds of variety's (sp) of ammo, Black powder guns. BB guns. I will try to post a pic soon (of the bow)
Here are some pictures I took (screencaps) Of the bow from different angles. The brass peices And a picture of the grip on my rifle to domonstrate my theory.
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I have also joined specifically to follow this thread! :lol Thought I'd help out by posting this. Spoiler'd for size...


A better look at the riser. I wondered about the "handle grip" (trigger guard, huh? Another thing to eBay!), how it was attached, etc., funny to see it's just taped on here! Also, it appears to come up to the base of the ribs, maybe just below, when strung and standing upright...

Anyway, hope the gang can pull together and get cracking on what the heck model this is! :)
I still cant get over how small it is haha.

Definitely a childs bow. May ask some of the boys at the range what they think it may be this weekend.
I have a number of closeup photos of the bow from Comic Con. Will try to get them posted today.
Here is one closeup of the midsection of the bow.

Be sure to double click the image to see it in full size, which is huge. To me, it looks like they added parts from Home Depots drawer handles aisle to the bow...

Do you have any good shots of the suit? Everything I have seen is In dark lighting and no details have really been shown.

Looking at it, I don't believe there is a base bow. The limbs seems to be cheap fiberglass. The limb caps seem to be brass strap hinges for a wooden trunk with cap nuts covering up the screws. Heck, the other half of the hinge is directly below the top limb in that picture. The grip is held on by the same leather tape used on the handle of youth baseball bats. The other stuff looks like that reinforced packing tape that has the strands in it, then washed with a watered down bronze paint. The riser itself seems to be hastily carved from a table leg or something similar.

If someone can get me a relatively close estimate of how large the riser is, I can model up a rough version of it in SolidWorks.