LOGANDEE's 2012 Halloween Costume Contest Entry


New Member
so this is my Altair costume i am working on for the AC3 midnight release launch.

this is my first costume i have ever made for myself.

I wanted to do it last year and only got the vambrace done in time.

i had never sewn before other than a straight line. so working with fabric was very new to me.
leather on the other hand is my friend. it makes sense.

ill need to get a better picture. hopefully here soon.

i dont really have a pattern. i looked at stuff drew on a piece of paper cut out leather and wing it.
id make the belt bigger next time.
i made it out of 3 layers to allow movement in the waist. but i guess i over planned on that and it wont stay very high up. i didnt want to use rivets so thats my own fault.

the hood proved to be the most difficult portion. if i make a v 2.0 ill start with the beak first and work back. not the other way around...

jugglingj.deviantart.com i have more pictures. hit me up jugglingj@hotmail.com for questions... im new to this site so i dont log on here every day...

i would like to make costumes a full time job... atleast working with leather


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hey! im having an issue posting to the correct forum. its not letting me select a photo for entry. i can type in all the info but where it has the choose photo the button does nothing.
any ideas?
hey! im having an issue posting to the correct forum. its not letting me select a photo for entry. i can type in all the info but where it has the choose photo the button does nothing.
any ideas?

None. It's working fine for me. What browser are you using?
google chrome... tried it again. clicking on it. wont do anything. no spinning wheel nothing... i hit upload submit. i may have posted something in the gallery without any picture -_- im not liking my computer at the moment
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