My Prop Replica Collection - New Arrival : The Godfather

Re: My Prop Replica Collection - New Arrival - Star Trek : Boldly Going ......

Our house has a sort of 'central hall' / area, a kind of 'all roads lead to Rome'. You can't go anywhere without passing through here :lol

In the deco is a Tibetan Prayer Scroll


However, after all these years, the cat decided he didn't like one of the lateral parchments, and he tore the bottom part off :(

Never to fear, Alan is here :lol !

Got me this beautiful Klingon Ceremonial Banner, and before the Mrs. could say 'Jack Sparrow', I had it up :lol



My camera lens is not capable of capturing the whole area & how the banner fits in, but I tried to superimpose images to give an idea what it looks like. Please excuse the crudity of the merged pics :lol



One small step for me, and boldly going where I've not been before ..... first replica that is not in the prop room :love

Actually, the Mrs. loves it, and it is fast becoming a 'tradition' to shout 'Qapla' every time we walk past it :lol
Re: My Prop Replica Collection - New Arrival - Star Trek : Boldly Going ......

Slowly slowly captures the whole house ;) Once the props escape there is no stopping them :)
Re: My Prop Replica Collection - New Arrival - Star Trek : Boldly Going ......

I got one of those Brady Bunch Tiki Idols from Matt Munson, Now I can't find it , Nanananaaaaa~
Re: My Prop Replica Collection - New Arrivals - Ind. Jones, Stargate, Jur. Park, Sere

Slowly slowly captures the whole house ;) Once the props escape there is no stopping them :)

Indeed :love


Got a call from the PC place, and it seems my laptop is going to be at the hospital for about another week :cry

However, I don't like to let stuff accumulate, so again, at the risk of posting crappy pics because I am using the Mrs' PC (good for her Farmville though :lol), here goes a few updates to bring the collection up to speed :)

From Stargate SG-1, 2 great items made by Brian (TK1565) :thumbsup

A Tok'ra TER modification device / chip




... and a Tok'ra Short-range Communicator. (Strangely enough, the colours on the replica are in accordance to some of the original ones sold at auction, but they look different on screen).





Next, from markpoon, the KOTCS Challenge Coin I got a while back, now together with the ROTLA Coin in the newly arrived lovely wooden Display Frame. 2 down, 2 to go :)



From Jurassic Park 3, and with pics shamelessly pinched from Troy, (Beechy McFly) because at least I know these pics look good :lol, here's a Raptor Resonating Chamber I traded with him :)




... on display with some other JP items :)


Finally, from "Firefly" / "Serenity", here's ....... Serenity :lol

Little Damn Heroes version from Qmx :) :thumbsup







Rearranged some items on the shelving to accommodate the new babies :)


OK, I think I'm up to date now :confused
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Re: My Prop Replica Collection - New Arrivals - Ind. Jones, Stargate, Jur. Park, Sere

Seriously, Alan, are you building an addition on to your house for all your props?
You can start charging admission.
Re: My Prop Replica Collection - New Arrivals - Ind. Jones, Stargate, Jur. Park, Sere

Did you treat the cat for getting rid of the old decoration :) I hope the new banner is at a cat safe height.
Re: My Prop Replica Collection - New Arrivals - Ind. Jones, Stargate, Jur. Park, Sere

That mermaid is wonderful :) And still, everytime the Indiana Jones monkey head comes along on one of your photo's...:)
Re: My Prop Replica Collection - New Arrivals - Ind. Jones, Stargate, Jur. Park, Sere

Wow, that mermaid is just plain freaky! Very cool though--awesome collection!
Re: My Prop Replica Collection - New Arrivals - Firefly / Serenity

Thank you all so much for the nice comments folks :)

Seriously, Alan, are you building an addition on to your house for all your props?

Nope. I'm still playing musical chairs in the prop room (except for a certain banner that 'escaped' :lol)

Did you treat the cat for getting rid of the old decoration :) I hope the new banner is at a cat safe height.

Nothing in the house is at cat safe height unfortunately :( We just live with it and work around His Royal Highness as best we can :lol


Some more 'standard' Firefly / Serenity additions to complete that display section :)

The (gasp, folded :lol) Map of the Miranda Region


Which of course came with the Money Pack from the bank heist




And of course, what Firefly / Serenity display would be complete without this :)








Think I'll call this the Qmx shelf :lol
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Re: My Prop Replica Collection - New Arrivals - Firefly / Serenity

Nice new additions, the new unti will soon be filled ;)

If the screen gun that heavily shaded ? It almost looks like it had been burnt.
Re: My Prop Replica Collection - New Arrival - The Golden Voyage of Sinbad

Thanks guys :) :thumbsup

If the screen gun that heavily shaded ? It almost looks like it had been burnt.

No idea I'm afraid, but I'm sure Qmx knew what they were doing. It does seem to look that way from the screencaps though (?)


OK, bear with me a little on this one fellows :) .........

When I was wee lad in the 70's, I had a very close relationship with my grandpa (may his soul rest in peace :( ).

I owe my initiation into fantasy worlds thanks to him.

He had a huge set of the complete volumes of ''One Thousand and One Nights", and every single time I used to go to his house, I sat down at his feet, and he'd read to me from them. I was always in utter awe.

He also used to take the fantasies into the real world, and his favourite one was to put on a stern face, pass his palm over his face while saying "Whooooosh !" ... and presto, he was invisible ! Then he'd promptly lift me horizontally so my belly was on his shoulder, and he'd walk all round the house with me there, arms stretched out, 'flying', to the utter amazement and shrieks of 'WOW !!' coming from the assembled family.

Hey, I was around 5 or 6 OK :lol

But those memories of Near & Far Eastern tales, are as vivid today as they were then :)

Of course, he always used to take me to the cinema, and first movie I remember going to was "The Golden Voyage of Sinbad".

He took me 3 or 4 times to watch it, and when I was old enough to go on my own and it was being shown again at the cinema, I used to go :)

From the whole movie, what struck me most out of all Ray Harryhausen's creations, was the statue of Kali coming to life, dancing for Koura, and then fighting Sinbad.

Till this very day, that scene is as realistic to me as it was then, with all the latest technological effects that we are used to today notwithstanding.

For all the above reasons, this figure evokes some emotion for me :)

And here she is in all her glory



If you have read this far and not gone straight down :lol, then you've got a few more minutes to spare, so please allow me to share these a moment of the movie with you before proceeding :)

This is the scene where Kali is brought to life, and dances for Koura :

And the fight scene.

Now, here is Ray Harryhausen at work with one of his creations


Here he is with some others, including Kali


And here is my replica :)











And here she is on display :)


Frank / Brundelfly, that space next to her is waiting :angel:D

(Here's a rather good article about this particular figure's significance and Ray Harryhausen, for those who are interested in more information.)


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Re: My Prop Replica Collection - New Arrivals - Serenity, The Golden Voyage of Sinba

Great new addition Alan.

I too have fond memories of growing up with the Sinbad films.

Great new piece. :thumbsup
Re: My Prop Replica Collection - New Arrivals - Serenity, The Golden Voyage of Sinba

Thank you kind sirs :) I was beginning to think there was no love for Kali :lol

Won her on eBay. Although I've been registered there for years, its the first time in my life I used Auction Sniper .... and it worked like a charm :) :thumbsup (I absolutely hate auctions, they make me too nervous :()
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Re: My Prop Replica Collection - New Arrivals - Serenity, The Golden Voyage of Sinba

Ah.. Welcome to the Sniper Elite Team.. It's a great feeling.. :lol Is it a nice piece..
Re: My Prop Replica Collection - New Arrivals - Serenity, The Golden Voyage of Sinba

Best part is, when I logged on after the auction was over, I saw that I won it at one third of what I put in as my max bid :lol

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