How to remove enamel paints from plastic kits?

The cheap stuff is really weak. Walmarts is okay.

Try putting the piece in a bag after spraying, as mentioned before.

I hate the feel of brake fluid and avoid it. And it's a pollution hazard.
Just to add...I would agree with Contec, I've tried the Mr Muscle in a can and it does work without any damage...
Thought I'd add a satisfied customer from the's a bit scary dropping precious parts into a bag of chemicals, we need reassurance there won't be a bag of soup in a few hours..


Just to add...I would agree with Contec, I've tried the Mr Muscle in a can and it does work without any damage...
Thought I'd add a satisfied customer from the's a bit scary dropping precious parts into a bag of chemicals, we need reassurance there won't be a bag of soup in a few hours..



On some of the old models that i have bought and taken apart for rebuilding it seems like the Mr Muscle makes the old glue more brittle and makes it much easier to take the parts apart after a Mr muscle "bath"
Caustic Soda works but can be brutal and you must protect your skin. Fairy Power Spray (UK) is a saucepan/baked on grease remover which has always worked for me. It's a thick liquid, so flows into nooks and crannies. I normally seal the parts/ model in a polythene bag and leave somewhere warm.
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