A Quick & Dirty SS Millennium Falcon.


Master Member
Well, as the title suggests, Im having a go at building a Falcon, 32", but with my own detailing.

I took a look at all the boxes of unused kit parts lying around & figured what the heck, I'll do a Falcon:facepalm. I just really want a Falcon sooner rather than later & the 5' will probably be a 2 year project.
I have a great deal of parts stashed away for an eventual accurate 32" model, but I just want to have fun with this & use parts on hand.

The blueprint I'm using is even done for me, the one found in the DK set of blueprints, it's close enough for me to do a decent job.

I have some 'key' parts I'll use such as 3 Esci Panthers & Tigers on hand anyhoo.

I'd like this done in a 3-4 month timeframe & test out some techniques I'm keen to try.

I'll keep the pics coming heavily as I intend to work pretty fast on this, but the mandate is to just have alot of fun.

Anyone wanna come along for the ride?.:)
Ah yes, the X-Wing, still on it, I'll run the Falcon build alongside the X.
I'll get some pics together & try to find the thread, I think it's pretty buried :lol.
Good idea, Stu.

Too often we fall into the obsession for perfection and forget the fun.

I wish you much fun and I will follow this thread with interest.:thumbsup

as a fellow kiwi based in wellington .. yes the home of WETA .. its GREAT to see someone from here make a 32" falcon :-D .. im no where near contemplating attempting that .. well done on taking this on :-D
Iam VERY interested in this. Once I am finished with my star destroyer, Im gonna build a falcon myself. Inspired of course by Phil's awsome build, who also helped me with my blueprints. Thanks again Phil!
Thanks chaps:)

Modellernz- Id hate to think this would be the only scratched SS Falcon in New Zealand mate, but it probably is, I'm not aware of any others.
Be great to catch up some time, talk shop, PM me if you want?.

Lee- sorry bro, the yearnings tooo strong to resist doing one, even though it will feature my own detailing.

Well, today got the dimensions sorted & marked out on styrene to cut tommorow for the basic shape & some of the box shapes.
Just finalizing the 'curve' for all the bulkheads to make during the week, so should have a basic Falcon shape very soon.
I'm liking this project even more as everything I need is on hand & aquired. No bucks going out fo a while now:lol
Stu, It will be just great to watch your build as it advances. I'll be waiting for the pics:love:love . The 5 foot Falcon is my favorite ship of all times and I hope to start my own build this year.
Congrats man I'll be following your thread with a lot of interet.
Have fun mate!
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