X-men: First Class costumes?

I'm a bit too lazy to do the pin stitching for version 1 ;), but I'm sure that will look amazing! :cool

I did happen across an XMFC screen cap site: My Files

The uniforms appear primarily at the end of the film, so I recommend downloading the "d" and "e" zip files.

I will be using denim, but I'll be using it as a stabilizer under the lighter weight fabrics I'll be using. For the yellow kevlar I've opted to use the back side of a raincoat fabric that is woven, but in a smaller weave than the kevlar. For the navy, I found a seersucker at my local fabric shop that I think is reminiscent enough in the way of texture to do the job. I know it won't be exact, but it's good enough for now. Maybe I'll be brave enough to try Lycanthropica's pin stitching another time ;)


Using the Kwiksew 3389 pattern as a starting point, I made a mockup in the size I need, and then drew all of the piping seams onto that. From there I've ripped the mockup apart and cut along the piping seam lines to get my pattern pieces. Next comes the big step - cutting out the fabric! :thumbsup
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Got all of the fabric cut out over the weekend and have begun assembling the various pieces into the larger elements.


Chest pieces to be stitched together with piping inserted

Chest pieces with sleeves

Getting some more piping ready and then I'll be stitching the upper body pieces together.
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First, i'm sorry for my english, you know-i'm french... :$
I'm proud to present my first homemade costume. For our first Mickey not so scary hallowwen party at WDW, we decided to make Magneto and Mystique first class costume.
So, after research and research and research... i've found this post, it helps us, so thank you.
This is my first experience in sewing.
View attachment MK_PARTLEFT_7493843898.jpeg

View attachment MK_MERMAIDBRIDGEICONNC_7493871075.jpeg
My husband made his helmet and all the metal pieces.
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