Who else watched Predators yesterday?

Along with what Art said (though I liked Isabelle), the one gripe I had was that the helmets on the new racial Predators were too freaking huge!
P.S. Did anyone notice that the machete used by Royce was the exact same machete that Dutch and his team used in the original Predator?
I did like the movie and thought it was a worthy sequel to the others. Personally the very ending I found disappointing, but the movie overall was good.
Just got back. Not sure if it was because my expectations were so utterly low or what but I really enjoyed this one and thought it was easily the best Predator movie we have seen since the original (which is one of my top 5 movies). Having seen the trailer and the promo pics I was expecting an absolute crapfest and was pleasantly surprised that they pulled it off as well as they did without falling too badly into silly stereotypes. If there was a weak link, for me, it was "Isabelle" who annoyed me from the first minute to the last. The whole thing with Topher Grace was interjected in a very awkward manner (saw it coming but the reveal was just timed VERY poorly). Other than that, some minor quibbles, but overall, I left very satisfied!

The really important thing that I liked was that this actually added to the Predator lore in a meaningful way to me. I thought the pitiful effort to tie in Pyramids and mayans with the Predators in AVP was just sad and pathetic and utterly failed to add anything to what we know of the Predators. However, the details "Noland" shared about the Predator adapting and evolving really added another layer to their characters for me and gave me a new respect for what they do and why they do it. I thought that part alone made the film worthy of carrying the Predator name.

God that AVP "The Predators were our Gods" crap was sooooooooo lame. So overblown. It's incredibly cool to have alien hunters. Don't ruin it by trying to make it portentous and "epic." :unsure
Just got back, and LOVED it. I agree that it is a great sequel, and washes out the bad taste the other Pred movies left in my mouth.

How many homages to the orginal did everyone catch?

I liked the "Over Here!" quote, the music, and loved the old style Predator, even though he lost his head.

I even caught a line from Aliens... "if it comes down to that, I'll do the both of us".
Took my 12 year old to see it. It was exactly what I expected in a Predator movie.

The Predator ripping the convicts spine/skull out of his body was cool. "Do It, Do It',,,, rip! My 12 year old was LHAO...

I want to see a still shot / screen grab of his skull. Walton Goggins, the actor that played the convict, or "Shane" from The Shield is one of my favorite actors. I want to know if the prop department on the movie or the CG designers bothered to put his unique teeth in the skull. They flashed by it so fast I couldnt' tell.
I enjoyed it. It was a Predator film all the way and manage to connect to the originals in a way I was not expecting. I like the cast as well. All in all a good flick and one I will need to add to my collection.
Does anyone know if the concept of different races/classes is anywhere else in the Predator mythology? Is the idea of a blood feud between the two something new?
Got to see it today and really enjoyed it. Loved all the nods to the original......although I still prefer the look of the original Predator.
Does anyone know if the concept of different races/classes is anywhere else in the Predator mythology? Is the idea of a blood feud between the two something new?

There was something called a "Badblood" in the comic series which essentially was a Predator gone bad. Essentially they were just Predators that broke the rules of the hunt. Not long after AVP there was a novel released called Forever Midnight that is essentially the same story as the movie where Predators would abduct humans and drop them on a planet that was a game preserve. In this book the Predators are known as a species as Hish where previously they were labeled Yautja ( this is the name most pred fans know them by). It has been speculated since this new movie has come out that the Predators in this film were Hish with the exception of the P1 which was Yautja, thus bringing the worst idea in the Predator universe into cannon.
I'd heard some fan stories WAAAY back in the day (around 94) that mentioned this fued between the bigger ones and the smaller ones, so I got a kick out of that.
I liked the Wolf Predator concept, and would have loved to see some similiar mythos placed into the Star trek universe with the Klingons:thumbsup
There was something called a "Badblood" in the comic series which essentially was a Predator gone bad. Essentially they were just Predators that broke the rules of the hunt. Not long after AVP there was a novel released called Forever Midnight that is essentially the same story as the movie where Predators would abduct humans and drop them on a planet that was a game preserve. In this book the Predators are known as a species as Hish where previously they were labeled Yautja ( this is the name most pred fans know them by). It has been speculated since this new movie has come out that the Predators in this film were Hish with the exception of the P1 which was Yautja, thus bringing the worst idea in the Predator universe into cannon.

You think the Badbloods are a bad idea to make canon, or the events of Forever Midnight? I personally thought the Badbloods arc in the comics was by far the most interesting of the longer stories in the comics. It was like a Pred serial killer, basically, if I recall.
The events of Forever Midnight are what I was referring to as the worst idea. I like the Badbloods.

To give those of you an idea why I hate reapeat HATE the events of Forever Midnight:
10. The idea that Preds are hermaphrodites even though in the past cannon they were shown not to be.
9. Changing the established name of the species
8. Kill-glands
7. The fact that the Preds steal their tech
6. The Preds enslave other species (see number 7)
5. Predator young are trained in hunting by using a bit of tech to take over the mind of an individual and use them like a drone, the young treat this like a video game.
4. The Preds have no honor rules
3. The planet is in perpetual day.
2. Changing the name of the species from Yautja to Hish
1. The way the author wrote this book makes me think he never saw any of the movies or read any of the books. It seems like another story that was dressed up like a predator.
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The Machete trailer at the beginning made me happy throughout the whole movie! Anyone else excited about that? I thought Larry Fishburne was a little overweight for someone who was living and hiding on an alien planet trying to survive in the wilderness on scraps. But, whatever. Fun movie, though!
My god, that does sound like a horrible book. I've almost picked it up a few times, but now I'm real glad I didn't!

The events of Forever Midnight are what I was referring to as the worst idea. I like the Badbloods.

To give those of you an idea why I hate reapeat HATE the events of Forever Midnight:
10. The idea that Preds are hermaphrodites even though in the past cannon they were shown not to be.
9. Changing the established name of the species
8. Kill-glands
7. The fact that the Preds steal their tech
6. The Preds enslave other species (see number 7)
5. Predator young are trained in hunting by using a bit of tech to take over the mind of an individual and use them like a drone, the young treat this like a video game.
4. The Preds have no honor rules
3. The planet is in perpetual day.
2. Changing the name of the species from Yautja to Hish
1. The way the author wrote this book makes me think he never saw any of the movies or read any of the books. It seems like another story that was dressed up like a predator.
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