Where can someone get accurate rings from LOTR?

jd pilot

Sr Member
I'm wanting to get Gandalf's, Elrond's, Galadriel's, and Aragorn's, but I can't seem to find any screen caps of the rings to compare them. Anyone know how accurate the Noble Collection rings are? And if not, anyone have a good source for the rings?
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Re: How accurate are the NC LOTR rings?

I'm thinking about getting a few, but I can't seem to find any screen caps of the rings to compare them to. Anyone know how accurate the Noble Collection rings are? And if not, anyone have a good source?

I'd say they looked pretty good Jeff, but a bit pricey... 18K for $600ish??!!
Re: How accurate are the NC LOTR rings?

Hey bud! I'm not looking for the one ring :) Already have a good one of those. I'm looking more at Gandalf's, Elrond's, Galadril's, and Aragorn's.
Re: How accurate are the NC LOTR rings?

i got the NC "one ring" in the 10k version from my girlfriend for christmas, and i love it, i wear it everyday, so its not in the greatest shape anymore, but i would definatly pick up another one, unfortunatly, shes not to keen on buying me another one next christmas, just to display
Re: How accurate are the NC LOTR rings?

Glad you like you ring Stormer :)

Any one have any ref. pics of the actual costume/prop (not sure how those would be classified) rings (of Gandalf's, Elrond's, Galadriel's, and Aragorn's)? I've done searches on the web, and I've found folks selling several different looking ones for Gandalf and Galadriel which got me wondering which one was correct.
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Re: How accurate are the NC LOTR other rings?

Here's a picture of Elrond's ring Vilya (replica) from Thorkild Hansen. Since they also made the original Vilya ring for the movies this one should be pretty accurate.


And here's a link to the Jens Hansen shop

And here's a good shot of Galadriel's ring Nenya:

Re: How accurate are the NC LOTR other rings?

Can't you get those through thesabervault.com's link to the New Zealand jeweler who did the One Ring? I think he did Elrond and Galadriel's, at any rate...

OOPS, just read a few posts above. I guess that info's covered...
Re: How accurate are the NC LOTR other rings?

PS- the rings are named Nenya, Narya, and Vilya.

Nenya is worn by Galadriel, and is the ring of water
Vilya is worn by Elrond, and is the ring of air
Narya is worn by Gandalf, and is the ring of fire.

Remember in the Balrog standoff scene, Gandalf says "I am the servant of the secret fire, wielder of the flame of Arnor!"? he's referring to Narya, the ring he wears.

The three elven rings are in fact the "three rings for elven kings under the sky", three of the rings of power under Sauron's command. The elven rings, however, were made more powerful than any of the others save for, of course, Sauron's One Ring. Upon Sauron putting on the One Ring, he was aware of this, and likewise so were the elves of Sauron's who then removed their rings. Once Sauron was "destroyed" and the One severed from his hands, the Elves used their three rings again to help maintain their domains (Lothlorien and Rivendell). Once Sauron rose to power again, however, they knew that should he conquor that the rings would be directly under his control again, and should he fail that the power of the rings as well should fail and therefore so would their society.

The ring of Aragorn is more properly known as the Ring of Barahir, given to Barahir long ago by Finrod Felagund (one of the high elf kings) for coming to his rescue in battle.

So there you go, a little history on each ring!
Re: How accurate are the NC LOTR other rings?

:) Thank you sir. I'm a big fan of the books, but I thought it might be easier just to say who's they were just in case no one else did. But this will be good for the folks who don't know :)

I've been doing a LOT of hunting on these. And after finding a few different pics, the NC just aren't as accurate as I'd like. Vilya and Narya are the closest of the four, but Nenya and Barahir from NC is a bit off. They are close, but you know how anal we prop guys can get ;) Plus I've been told by several folks that they don't hold up that great.

Thanks for the links for Jens Hansen. The Vilya ring is close (as close as NC but much higher quality), but Nenya is way off...not quite sure why.

The Nenya pic is a great one. I haven't seen that pic so big :)

Thank you for the help...please keep it coming!

PS- the rings are named Nenya, Narya, and Vilya.

Nenya is worn by Galadriel, and is the ring of water
Vilya is worn by Elrond, and is the ring of air
Narya is worn by Gandalf, and is the ring of fire.

Remember in the Balrog standoff scene, Gandalf says "I am the servant of the secret fire, wielder of the flame of Arnor!"? he's referring to Narya, the ring he wears.

The three elven rings are in fact the "three rings for elven kings under the sky", three of the rings of power under Sauron's command. The elven rings, however, were made more powerful than any of the others save for, of course, Sauron's One Ring. Upon Sauron putting on the One Ring, he was aware of this, and likewise so were the elves of Sauron's who then removed their rings. Once Sauron was "destroyed" and the One severed from his hands, the Elves used their three rings again to help maintain their domains (Lothlorien and Rivendell). Once Sauron rose to power again, however, they knew that should he conquor that the rings would be directly under his control again, and should he fail that the power of the rings as well should fail and therefore so would their society.

The ring of Aragorn is more properly known as the Ring of Barahir, given to Barahir long ago by Finrod Felagund (one of the high elf kings) for coming to his rescue in battle.

So there you go, a little history on each ring!

Actually they only made the one ring and Vilya for the movie. Jasmine Watson was the designer and maker of pretty much everything else. :wacko I would think going with one place would have been best, but I guess they wanted each ring to 'feel' like it's own and different.

Anyone here know Ms. Watson or how I might can get a hold of her?
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Heh, yeah, she's also said that in a few different interviews I've read she's given :p But it never hurts to try...even if I could just get some good pics or drawings from all 4 sides, top and bottom. That would actually be perfectly fine with me :)
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Ms. Tiki and I visited the Jens Hansen studio/gallery a few years back. It was neat to see the one ring - they even had that mega-ring they made for some perspective shots. Ms. Tiki bought the silver chain that Frodo kept the ring on (also made by Jens Hansen) - it was quite affordable and is really nice. They have a bunch of literature in the shop about how they are discouraged at how different all the "officially licensed" One Rings are from their original "One Ring". The studio produces some fantastic jewelry - in fact we toured 15 or so amazing metalsmith studios while in Nelson. Quite the art town!
:) I've got to chain too. It's really a neat piece...very unique. Plus they seem like nice people. I email back and forth ever-so-often with them (over the last few years), and they just seem like good people :)

That's cool you got to go down there. That's one thing I'd like to do in the coming years. I bet you have some beautiful pictures from there.
tbh I prefer the Jen Hansen Nenya ring.... however last time I saw Jasmine Watson she was selling rings On QVCUK.... I am looking for the Nenya ring and ring of Barahir but I have never seen one of real quality and the serpents heads are always very roughly done :(

I am looking for a authentic One Ring Tungsten or Titanium as near original as I can get but to wear when working rather than the One ring 14K...
tbh I prefer the Jen Hansen Nenya ring.... however last time I saw Jasmine Watson she was selling rings On QVCUK.... I am looking for the Nenya ring and ring of Barahir but I have never seen one of real quality and the serpents heads are always very roughly done :(

I am looking for a authentic One Ring Tungsten or Titanium as near original as I can get but to wear when working rather than the One ring 14K...

You think the serpent heads on replica Barahir Rings are roughly done?

Here's a pic of the real thing:


Almost all the replicas of the Ring of Barahir are highly idealized and much less rough-looking than the original. Although I like the original's look more.

EDIT: And if you'd like a One Ring that's highly accurate yet not the super-expensive solid 14h gold version, get in contact with Jens Hansen, send them an e-mail. They can make it out of a different metal and then gold-plate it for a significantly cheaper price, and all you need to do is tell them what you want.
Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but I have been searching for a screen accurate Ring of Barahir for a few years now. Overall I have owned about (12) different versions of this ring, but have always wanted one exactly like the pic above. I have found a couple that are close, but most are just knock-offs of the Noble Collection version (some of which are not very good). Here are some pics and descriptions of some of the more unique versions that I've owned:

Here is probably the most common R.O.B. from The Noble Collection. This one is pretty good overall and has a pretty good likeness to the screen used prop although it is more cleaned up and has more detail. The main problem that I have with it is that the stone is only glued in and will fall out over time. I owned two and the stone in the first one lasted for just over two years of daily wear and the second one lasted for about four years (which isn't too bad, but for $140.00 I would think that The NC would have found a better method to mount the stone).

This version comes from Singapore and can still be found on E-bay for around $140.00 It's actually pretty cool and comes in a very nice wooden box with a pewter Lord of the Rings logo. The ring itself is very good and has a lot of detail. Some of the issues: (1) It is sterling silver but has some type of antique finish which gets kind of dark over time. (2) The snake's tongue sticking out is cool but catches on everything. (3) They took the part about the golden flowers forming crowns a bit too literal and actually gave the snakes 3-pronged crowns. (4) again the stone appears to just be glued in.


Here is one that I have never seen again since I sold it a few years ago. It is a Japanese version that I picked up on E-bay about six years ago. It is sort of close to the Screen used version except that seems more simplified and smoother. One plus for this one is that the stone was mounted from the inside and there was no fear ever loosing it. The downside was that the gold flowers were seperate pieces and would actually rattle around. That really bothered me and I eventually sold it. If this ring was one solid piece I would have definitely kept it.




I have a few more versions that I can post pics of if there is any interest.

In the meantime I was wondering if anyone can identify this pic. For the life of me I can't remember where I found the pic but it might be the Holy Grail of Ring of Barahir replicas. It looks similar to the Japanese version but seems to be a bit more detailed like the pic of the screen used one.

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