Watchmen props

Yeah, he did say in his final entry that he tried his best to make it legible.

They explain that, though. Rorschach had two journals, the one the police confiscated when he was arrested, and the one that he hid with his spare costume. "Spare clothes. Spare face. Final draft of journal. Police only found rough notes."

So, I imagine he just had really bad note taking handwriting, and prettied it up for when he finalized it.
Why did you choose different pics of the three characters? This copy was already posted.
View attachment 14868

Didn't know someone already posted a replica of this cover.
And the problem with the 3 pictures still remains. They're to small to be properly printed in 300dpi. That's why I had to choose some other shot for the front page.

Here is the Full Hi-Res version. This was the one I did. It still needs the correct font.
EDIT: Has anyone been able to separate their Rorschach gun from the base yet? I really want to do this if it's possible at all

Yep, I did a couple a minutes ago. It turns out one of the posts was loose on mine, so all it took was a bittle of wiggling, to get that one out of the base, then a big twist, and some more wiggling for the other to come out. No cutting or outside tools required.

Nothing was really ruined, so I'm able to attach and reattach it at will now.
For the life of me I can't remember where I put the link to the original makers of the Comedian's pistols, I remember there was a long list of pictures and the Comedian's pistols were one of the last on the list. If anyone has a link to the website, it'd be greatly appreciated if you could post or PM it.
Slightly different framing of the photo, without the flash. It's not really as big as it looks, there's some nasty jaggies in there, but some fine noise, it looks like it was blown up and then some grain was thrown on top to try and mask it.

Is the "Watchmen 1970" photo with the banner shown in the "Under the Hood" doc? I may be able to screencap it in hi-def.

How big this a suposed to be printed ??
I've considered on adapting the pages of Rorschach's police file from the comic and use the picture of the mugshot I found here (or maybe scan the page of the comic and then print out the mugshot for it to be accurate from the comic). Honestly, I do not plan on watching "Watchmen" until it comes out on HBO or USA (whichever the most convenient) and have only read the comic (which I like), so I don't know if the police file is featured in the film and if it would be accurate to the film or not.
The tags in the film don't have the rubber around them, at least not in the Vietnam scene. The tags from that scene are also pretty beat up. I'm not sure about the text.
These may be some sort of ceremonial or commemorative set, though.
I really want a set of those pistols that aren't attached to the base.

I´ve done some homework:


In the poster picture, The Comedian is wearing a WWII style dogtag. You can tell because of the "notch" on the lower right (left on the image) of the tag. You can also tell because the text is aligned opposite to the chain hole. Indeed, the text that the WWII tags had, is the same information portrayed by the DC direct replica, except that the name order an original WWII should have is different on the replica (First name, middle initial, Last name instead of Last name, First name, middle initial) and text is aligned to the chain hole side.

Real tag should display:

Last name, First name-Middle Initial
Service number -Year of tetanus shot Blood type
Next of Kin's name
Next of Kin's address
Next of Kin's City-State Religion

Also the "rolled" edge of the tag should be to the back.

It should look something like this:

I don´t know the blood type, because it is covered by the rubber silencer on the replica.

In the movie, during he Nam scene, the Comedian is wearing the tags with the silencers, and after zooming the images, I am convinced the text is aligned to the chain hole, so it´s a different tag. If history accurate, they should have different information also. I posted both options.

The "rolled" edge of the tag should be to the front.
The chain should be 27" and 5.5". (I counted the number of beads, and match that length)
I hope you enjoy!
I thank for the information!
I've considered on adapting the pages of Rorschach's police file from the comic and use the picture of the mugshot I found here (or maybe scan the page of the comic and then print out the mugshot for it to be accurate from the comic). Honestly, I do not plan on watching "Watchmen" until it comes out on HBO or USA (whichever the most convenient) and have only read the comic (which I like), so I don't know if the police file is featured in the film and if it would be accurate to the film or not.

There were some on ebay taking easy advantage of inexperienced prop buyers when the movie came out similar to what you are describing. I remember Dr. Manhattan's file shown very briefly but I don't think Rorschach's police file is actually seen as a prop. It will certainly add to any Watchmen display that you have.
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